Fangirling about Blake Lively

*Photos from Preserve

I feel like I’ve been fangirling a little bit too much lately. First there was the wedding dress that the Olsen twins designed, and then there wasLauren Conrad’s wedding and now, Blake Lively’s baby shower. There was just too much excitement when I stumbled upon these pictures on Blake\’swebsite.

It seems like just yesterday I was watching the first instalment of The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants and the very first episode of Gossip Girl. That was in 2005. That’s almost 10 years ago. Holy. If that doesn’t make you feel old, I don’t know what does.

So yes, it’s old news now, but for those of you who aren’t as connected with the celebrity world, Blake Lively is expecting her first child with Ryan Reynolds. Is that going to be the cutest baby ever? Yes. Yes it is. Cue the squeals now. Gah I can’t wait. I really can’t.

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