The Best Days of My Life

Somebody once asked me what the best day of my life was. I had a lot of trouble answering it. It wasn’t because I couldn’t narrow down one day. Instead, I couldn’t think of a single day that stood out to me as the best. However, I am extremely lucky to lead such a fortunate and privileged life. Most of the days in my life are good ones with a sprinkling of horrible days thrown in for fun and variety. This question got me to thinking though, what were the best days of my life? I still couldn’t pick just one, I’d like to think that my best day just hasn’t happened yet. So, instead, here are a few days that were pretty great. These days might seem awfully random and you might be wondering why I included them as my best days. They might not seem that great to you, but they sure did mean the world to me. Trust me.

Picking up Oakley from the airport– In July 2012, my puppy arrived via airplane all the way from Alabama. He was so tiny and unfamiliar and I could have never imagined the relationship between us that would later form. One of the best moments was waking up the next morning and realizing that I had a puppy downstairs waiting for me. It was like christmas morning but a million times better.

High School Grad Dance performance– Ever since going to my brother’s graduation and seeing a girl perform a gorgeous dance at his commencement ceremony, I had dreamed of dancing at my own high school graduation. When that day arrived, it meant so much to me. I have never been so emotional about a dance before. The best part was the end of the dance where I took my bow, firmly squeezing my friend’s hand. I don’t know if I’ve ever been more emotional.

The day before I started kindergarten– I’m not sure what made this day stick out as one of the best days of my life. All I remember is lying in bed with my brother in a Bed n’ Breakfast (our house wasn’t finished being built yet) and questioning him about what Kindergarten would be like the next day. I had asked him if we would have to count to a hundred. He assured me we wouldn’t. And we didn’t.

9-1 Jasper Trip– This is a field-trip I took with my grade 9 class to Jasper. It would take me ages to explain why this trip was so special so I’ll just say this: this trip was where I formed friendships that have been unbreakable for the past 5 years and will hopefully stay just as strong for the next 5 years. Or 50 years.

My eighteenth birthday dinner– When I turned 18, I didn’t do the traditional bar/club birthday. Instead I had a dinosaur themed birthday on the weekend but that’s a whole other story. I had been having a pretty crappy birthday. I went to a funeral in the morning and I just wasn’t enjoying being an official adult. However, in the evening, I went to a dinner at Earls with a couple of my dance friends. This is not the typical group I would’ve have spent my birthday with, but it was an amazing night and I feel so lucky to have been surrounded by 5 girls that truly cared about me and loved me.

Meeting Hilary Duff– I think this day is pretty self-explanatory. I met my idol. My dream of 12 years had finally come true. And it was every bit like how I had imagined it to be. See our lovely picture hereand ignore my face, I was in shock and trying not to faint.

Calgary road trip– I faced a lot of mixed feelings picking this road trip as one of my best days. I still don’t know if it is one of my best days. So much happened on this trip. Things I’d rather not remember and fond memories that I hold dear to my heart. Nonetheless, this was my very first road trip and a symbol of my growing up.

New Year’s Eve– I had my first kiss on New Year’s Eve. Some people might find that cliche. Some people might find that trashy. I find it characteristically Taylor. One day I’ll tell you the story of it but for now, all you need to know is that a huge relief was lifted off of me that day.

So, that’s my list of some of the best days of my life. These days are extremely random but they’re the ones that have secured a place in my memory and make me smile whenever I look back at them. Keep in mind that I’m only nineteen. I have my whole life ahead of me and I’m certain the best day has yet to come. This list will continue to grow and I can’t wait to see what the rest of my life brings me. My goodness, I’m sappy.

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