2014 Year in Review

January: The start of 2013. This month really did set the tone for the year.

February: February was the month of making out with random boys at the bar. Meh, you’re only a teenager once. Mom and Dad, if you’re reading this, please please please ignore what I just said and don’t bring this up. I will not be happy.

March: I turned 19 years old. I had my first bar birthday. I celebrated the night with my closest friends and had one of the best times of my life.

April: I successfully completed my first year of university. Am I an adult yet? I decided that maybe my path in the faculty of science wasn’t for me. I started to consider a degree in education, something I had always been interested in. You never know how you will like something if you don’t try.

May:This was the first month of my four month summer. I started to work a lot, trying to earn a good amount of money for the Fall semester. I also went to the Hedley concert where I finally heard Sweater Song live. It changed my life. I also got to hold hands with three of the four band members. That was cool. I’m such a fan-girl.

June: June was renamed the month of blogging. Without school to concentrate on, I immersed myself in my blog. I bought a new camera. new computer where new opportunities followed. I started to receive more and more paid sponsorships. I got the chance to work with Aeropostale and they even followed me on Instagram. On their following list, I’m sandwiched right in between Tanner Zagarino and Taylor Swift. I guess that makes me a celebrity by association, right?

July: I had my first road trip with friends. We went to Calgary to see the Stampede and took a spontaneous trip to Consort at the last minute, where we surprised my best friend, Kevin. It was an awesome couple of days. I fell in love with the small town life. I was convinced I was a cowboy. Looking back on it, I have no idea why I felt like the rural life was the life for me. I really am a city girl at heart.

August: I met a boy, one who I thought was one of the nicest people I had ever met. We had fun together. But fun sometimes has to end. I’m not bitter about it anymore. I just wish the drama hadn’t of followed. In August, I was also featured in the Edmonton Journal. And, I went to K-Days (a local fair) where I saw Marianas Trench and held Josh Ramsay’s hand while he sang. Again, I’m just a big fan-girl, what can I say?

September: This was the month I lost my boyfriend and my best friend. I learnt that betrayal and the breaking of trust are really horrible feelings. I was a weird mess of emotions this month. It was a tough couple of weeks, but I got through it. And suddenly, my marks skyrocketed. I concentrated on school more than ever and I have the A’s to prove it.

October: I discovered the power of friendships. I started to realize what is really important in life. I slowly allowed my friend back into my life. My friend was back, but was she still the best? I learned a lot about friendships and being a friend this month.

November: I feel like November is always the most boring month of the year. Nothing ever seems to happen. I kept concentrating on school. I passed all my midterms with flying colors. I wrote some really kickass papers. I slowly started to eliminate the drama in my life. My life was slowly, but surely, returning back to normal.

December: I finished my first semester of my second year of university. I studied extremely hard for my finals and raised my GPA a considerable amount. (Check out my study tips here). I also decided that Education was not for me and I will be applying to Business next semester! I couldn’t be more ready and excited. I think I found out what I was meant for. Fingers crossed! When I finally broke free for Christmas break, I had so much fun hanging out with my friends. We baked, we skated (kinda), we explored the city, we shopped (of course), we ate. It was a very successful end to 2014.

The end of 2014.

This was definitely the year of drama but I wouldn’t change a thing. Looking back on it, it was such an awesome year. I accomplished so much and everything contributed to adding yet another year to my age. Are we all in shock that I will be 20 in just three months? Because I certainly am. However in a way, I think I’m ready to be 20. It seems like I have been 19 for half my life. I feel like this was the year that I grew the most as a person. Being in university, I’d like to think that I really matured. I think I started to see the big pictures in life. I sorted out my priorities. I discovered what I wanted most in life and I took the steps towards achieving that. I also learned what was holding me back in life and realized that it’s okay to let go of both things and people. This is your life. You are in control of your destiny.

Check out my 2013: Year in Review:https://when-im-older.com/post/71760926730

Did you guys have any monumental moments in 2014 you’d like to share?

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