DIY Valentine’s Day Red Velvet Milkshake


Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! My friends and I have made it into a tradition to make fun diy treats every holiday. However, for Valentines Day this year, we decided to forgo the baking and try making some yummy Red Velvet Milkshakes instead! These are super easy to make. We substituted a lot of ingredients and were very lenient on the measurements and yet, they still turned out really good!

You’ll need:

  • 1 cup of ice cream (vanilla is recommended, but we used chocolate)
  • 3 tbsp of cake mix
  • red food colouring
  • ½ cup of milk
  • 1 tsp of vanilla extract
  • whipped cream


Scoop 1 cup of ice cream into the blender


Pour in 3 tbsp of cake mix


Pour in 1 tsp of vanilla extract.

Pour in ½ a cup of milk.

Pour in enough red food colouring to create a nice Valentine red!

Blend all ingredients together until the mixture is smooth and creamy.

Pour into glasses and top with whipped cream.

And that’s everything! How easy was that? These tasted super yummy and surprisingly, just like red velvet! I hope y\’all are having an awesome Valentine’s Day and if you’re sitting at home right now, feeling sorry for yourself because you don’t have a bae, jump off that couch and run into your kitchen. These milkshakes are the perfect solution to turning around your day. Trust me.

Are you going to try out this Make It Yourself Monday? Tweet me (@bettathanhannah) or Instagram me (@taylorlainee) pics if you do! I would love to see how yours turns out.

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