Hello friends! I hope you’re all doing wonderfully on this fine Friday morning. It’s been a long week for me, filled with two (yes two!) concerts and a midterm. But alas, now it’s Friday and I am set free for the weekend! Can we get a hip hip hooray?

I’ve been in a bit of an outfit slump lately. Or maybe it should be more accurately called a life slump. My hair is way too long, my skin is hating me and my clothes just seem so drab and unexciting. I think I always fall into this attitude around this time every year. I blame it on Edmonton’s six month winters. By the end of them, I’m just so sick of winter and the snow and I’m ready to start pulling out my crop tops and shorts.

However, since summer is still far away, I was forced to pick out a cold weather-approved outfit. This one consisted of a knit turtleneck sweater from the Bay. I have this weird obsession with tops that have zippers on the side. I’m not sure why, they have absolutely no function, but yet, they’re so intriguing! Underneath I layered a chambray shirt that I thought I had no use for anymore. I’m so glad I didn’t throw it away!

I got a new pair of boots. When am I going to stop buying booties? Can’t stop, won’t stop. I thought these ones were so cute! And to make things slightly better, I had a 40% off coupon on one full priced item at Forever 21 so these boots were quite cheap. So you guys should probably sign up for Forever 21 emails to get discounts like these! Let’s all be bargain hunters together hurrah!

SweaterThe Bay // Chambray Shirt– ℅Goddiva // Jeans– ℅Aeropostale // BootsForever 21 // PurseMarc Jacobs // WatchFossil // Bracelet– Simons // Ring– ℅Presh //

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