A Very Twenty Year Old Outfit

This was my first outfit as a twenty year old. Don’t I look like a real adult about to take on the world? Why yes. Yes I do.

I guess I should start this post off by stating that I have some of the world’s best friends. They all teamed up together to get my this gorgeous Marc Jacobs scarf for my twentieth birthday. (Whoa, I still can’t believe I’m twenty. This is crazy.) I didn’t know I could a love a scarf this much. It’s absolutely perfect in each and every way. I don’t think I’ll ever take it off. We should probably rename this blog “When I’m Marc” because I’m not getting older and changing anymore. I will just consistently and constantly be Marc.

Your eyes might have drifted from my scarf to the gorgeous purse hanging from my arm. This was a birthday present from my favorite gal, Emily. There is quite the story behind this purse. So, this bag is from Shoppers Drug Mart where both me and Emily work. I have been eyeing this bag for as long as I can remember. I never had the will to splurge on it however. And then, the day before my birthday, I sold the last one to a customer and I cried. I thought I would never see that bag again. But suddenly my birthday came around the corner and alas, guess what Emily had in her hands. This purse.

So friends, thank you for the wonderful and thoughtful presents. You know me way too well. But also, thank you for being the best friends a girl could ask for. You made my birthday so special and I am so lucky to call this year the best birthday yet. It was such a wonderful birthday weekend filled with laughter, tears, surprises and me almost dying. (I may or may not have ate a silica gel packet, it’s a long story.)

JacketForever 21 // Leggings– Zara // BootsZara // ScarfMarc Jacobs //Purse– Sergio Feretti // Sunglasses– ℅Marc Jacobs //

*ftc disclaimer: I was sent items marked with ‘℅’ for free but all opinions are my own

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