March Style Wishlist

My style wishlist this month went along with the theme of basics. I’ve gotten to the point in my life where I really don’t need any more clothes. Actually, I think I reached that point a long time ago. But anyways, there are still a few crucial items that are missing from my closet, plus a very special splurge item that I’ve had my eyes on for quite a while now.

  1. Black Converse (buy here)Whenever the warmer weather nears, my shoe of choice switches to sneakers. And I think this is the summer that I finally buy myself a new pair of converse. The only problem is how will I ever decide between high tops or low tops?
  2. Grey Jeans (buy here)As my pant collection grows, I still haven’t found the perfect pair of grey jeans. Every single pair I have tried on has fit me super weird. But I have a feeling I will find a pair at Zara soon.
  3. Black Scarf (buy here)I’m not really sure why I don’t have a black scarf. It seems like such a necessity. Plus, I can wear it for work so I definitely need to get my hands on one.
  4. Marc Jacobs Mouse Flats (buy here)I have wanted a pair of the Marc Jacobs Mouse Flats for as long as I can remember. They’re so freaking cute. And they will be mine. Soon.

March Style Wishlist:

April Style Wishlist:

May Style Wishlist:

June Style Wishlist:

July Style Wishlist:

August Style Wishlist:

October Style Wishlist:

November Style Wishlist:

December Style Wishlist:

February Style Wishlist:

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