For my Friday Feature this week, I decided to add a third element… a boy. You don’t see this special species much on my blog but believe it or not, I do have a couple of male friends. (And a couple of boyfriends as well 😉 Just kidding.)

Now that the weather in Edmonton has finally shifted away from the frost-bitten inducing cold that we all are unfortunately used to and moving more towards a shining sun that allows us to see the grass once again, everyone at the University of Alberta have been shedding their parkas and Uggs. My friends are no different. The warmer weather calls for leather jackets, tights and of course, the color black. Long gone are the heavy layers.

Taraneh aka Tars:


If there’s one thing Taraneh loves, it’s black. If there’s another thing Taraneh loves, it’s Aritzia. If there’s yet one more thing Taraneh loves, it’s dresses. Combine these three and you describe Tar’s style perfectly.

Dress- Aritizia // Boots- Kate and Mel via Town Shoes // Watch- Michael Kors // Bracelet- Pandora // Necklace- H&M //

Cole aka Cole:


Cole is one of the coolest guys you will ever meet. We met just last year when he decided to follow in my footsteps and go into the faculty of Education and then, in typical mini-me style, he’s now following me into Business. I’m just kidding, it’s simply a coincidence that we are the same person.

Jacket- Forever 21 // Tee- Urban Outfitters // Jeans- Banana Republic // Sneakers- Spring //

Lynness aka Lioness:


This is Lynness. Me and Lynness have been friends for seven years now. We met in grade 8 in Ms. Strong’s food class. And ever since that lovely day, the Troublemakers have never been separated.

Jacket- Mackage via Aritiza // Tee- Aritzia // Flannel- Garage // Boots- Calvin Klein via Town Shoes //

My friends are way too cute. Don’t be jealous. I’m sure your friends are awesome too… just not as cool as mine. They set the bar high, sorry.

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