My mom taught me about makeup at an early age. I danced from the wee age of three so she was always roped into the unfortunate job of doing my makeup for performances. Two things resulted form this. One, I fell in love with makeup and two, I learned all the fundamentals about cosmetics from my mom.

  1. For everyday makeup, you don’t need to go overboard: My mom always hated when I wore too much makeup to school. I started wearing eyeshadow halfway through grade 8 and she always encouraged me to tone it down. She always implemented that the 3 main products I should wear is foundation, blush and mascara. Nothing more. There was a brief time period when I wore yellow eyeshadow… that was definitely a mistake.
  2. Don’t cake on foundation: I’ve always had troublesome skin so I’ve always reached for a high coverage foundation to cover it up. What I didn’t used to realize however until my mom mentioned it to me was that by caking on foundation and powder, it’s going to make your skin look a lot worse and unnatural, plus it’s going to make your skin worse in the long run as well. You got to let it breathe.
  3. Natural lashes are always better than clumpy, spidery ones: I remember when I went to my first junior high school dance, I layered probably about five different mascaras to achieve what I imagined to be voluptuous, long eyelashes. Thank goodness my mom made me wash my face off before I left the house because my lashes were definitely not an attractive sight. Defined, full eyelashes are always going to look better and more natural than clumping on mascara. Plus, who even has time to layer all that mascara?
  4. Focus on proportions: If you are wearing a darker eye, it’s best to go with a more natural light lip. If you are wearing a bolder lip, tone down the eyes. My mom always taught me that your makeup shouldn’t have to compete with itself. You never want to look overdone.
  5. Don’t let anyone touch your eyebrows: This is probably the lesson I’m most thankful that my mom bestowed upon me. Working at Shoppers, I have customers coming in daily looking for eyebrow growth serums because they went to salons where their brows were over-tweezed when they were my age. So thank you Mom for refusing to get my eyebrows done at age 12 even when I begged and begged. Don’t change the shape of your brows, just pluck anything outside of your natural curve.

Check out the next post in my What My Mom Has Taught Me series!

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