China Through The Looking Glass

I was probably the least excited about visiting the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Sure, the Met is iconic for it’s architecture and steps (hello Gossip Girl!), but I thought it would just be a boring, stuffy museum. However, it turned out to be one of my favorite museums. It has thousands of exhibits. Actually, that might be a tiny bit of an exaggeration. More accurately, it has maybe a hundred galleries; this museum is huge!

One of my favorite galleries was definitely the Through the Looking Glass presentation. This gallery was put together with the help of Anna Wintour (hello iconic Vogue editor!). It was a beautiful fusion of Chinese fashion with American styling.The exhibit explored the effect Chinese culture has had on designers in the West. It featured designers like Dior, Yves Saint Laurent and Tom Ford. Every costume was more extravagant and beautiful than the last.

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