Goodbye New York

Today marks the day where I end my New York series. This is the last of my New York posts and I couldn’t be more sad. I have had so much fun reliving my trip with you guys and I hope you have had just as much fun reading these posts. I feel like when this post is published, I will have to finally accept that my New York is over. I will have to move on and go back to focusing on more local content. My outfits will all be featured in Edmonton sceneries and I won’t have any more exciting New York events to share with you all. But this isn’t goodbye. This is see you later, New York. I will be back. And when I do, I will come back with full force. New York won’t know what hit‘em.

I will let you in on a little secret. This outfit is actually from the first day of the trip. Up until now, I have been posting my outfits in order. However, you might be thinking that this outfit is very similar to the one I posted at the very beginning of July. You would be right. This is the same outfit. However, that one was photographed at the beginning of the day. This one was shot at the end of the day. So after I added a few new accessories that I purchased throughout the day in New York, I had a whole new outfit suitable for the blog. Plus, I just really wanted to take outfit photos in Central Park. Like, look at this giant rock. It’s great. And look at this bridge. It’s also great. Central Park is just great.

I got this striped shirt at Topshop. The Topshops in New York are absolutely great. I believe we went three times. Three times in five days is quite the accomplishment. I had been wanting this shirt for the longest time and had been drooling over it on the website, so I was super excited when I found it in store, on clearance for 50% off. I am also wearing some sunglasses that I picked up in New York as well. (Brent also said he didn’t like these sunglasses, but I think they’re hella cute so you suck <3). These sunglasses are from Free People. The Free People in New York was one of the most amazing stores I have ever been to. I was going to do a whole blog post just on this store. That’s how amazing it was. It was huge with a second floor devoted to their yoga and dance wear. If I had unlimited funds, this store is where I would spend all my money. It was gorgeous. However, I don’t, so I decided just to go with these round matte black sunglasses instead. Megan and I were going wild in the store, trying on all kinds of different sunglasses and I am very pleased with the ones we ended up going with.

So, this is the end. This is the end of my New York posts. Try not to shed a tear. I am crying inside. I am now left to face the fact that my New York trip is in the past.

Shirt- Topshop // Tank- Workhall // Jeans- Noul // Shoes- Nike // Sunglasses- Free People // Bag- Buy here

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