So. I have to say it. It’s back to school time. I can’t believe there was ever a time I was excited to go back to school. That feeling has definitely passed. All the stress that I forgot existed at university has hit me full force and I’m not too pleased about it. At least that means the weather is getting colder and I can start to bring out my fall wardrobe. Fall clothing is probably my favorite. I just have such a soft spot in my heart for booties. I really like booties. However, my dad and my boyfriend like to constantly point out the fact that I have twenty pairs of the same bootie. They’re not all the same, OKAY?

Speaking of my boyfriend, he is one who took these photos today. Didn’t he do a good job? I think I’ll keep him around a little bit longer. Maybe. He also picked out the hat that I’m wearing today. If you guys remember the last time I wore a hat on the blog, then I’m very impressed. It was almost a year ago, well to be more exact, it was 8 months ago here. I had borrowed my friend Taraneh’s hat because I fell in love with it.. but I was also giving it to her for her birthday oops. But I finally did it. 8 months later, I finally found a hat of my own. I’m still not entirely sure if I can pull of this hat. Let’s just cross our fingers that people don’t think I’m weird for wearing it to university. But then again, I don’t really care. I do what I want.

Because back to school time is basically the arrival of Fall, I’m wearing a very Fall-inspired outfit today. I’m wearing orangey rust jeans from Zara with a colourful tribal jacket thrown on over top. I’ve had this jacket for the longest time, but I just really love the shape of it. I’m not the biggest fan of the pattern but I really dig the three quarter length sleeves and the wide collar. It’s a really good Fall jacket. My shirt and boots were both kept black because I can’t be too colorful y’know? I gotta tone it down some days. Gotta keep up my edgy image. Oh my God, no, I didn’t say edgy.

Shirt- Vero Moda // Jacket- Billabong // Jeans- Zara // Boots- Town Shoes // Hat- H&M // Watch- Marc Jacobs // Bracelets- Pandora x2

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