My Friend, Tyler

So, this is my friend, Tyler, and I have been meaning to feature him on my blog for quite some time now. He’s one of the best guys I know but one of the coolest things about Tyler is his name. Tyler and Taylor are quite similar words hey? I like that. Take out an a, take out an o, insert an e and BAM. Taylor is suddenly transformed into Tyler. The name Tyler is basically the male version of Taylor. That means Tyler is basically the male version of me. Pretty cool right?

Another really cool thing about Tyler is his belt collection. There is no other person who can quite rock a woven belt like Tyler. In this post today, we see Tyler sporting a red woven belt that coordinates expertly well with his red wifebeater. I just don’t see style like this these days. I can only hope that one day my style will be half as good as his. Hopefully, Tyler will impact all of you guys to start wearing woven belts more. There’s just no other accessory like them. They’re really something special.

And if you think Tyler’s belt collection is something to drool over, just wait until you see his hat collection. This guy rocks silly hats like no other. I was once lucky enough to accompany him on a trip to Walmart where he spent the whole evening trying on every single hat. Not just the adult hats. Oh no, he didn’t stop there. He tried on ever single children’s hat too. That is pure dedication.

But Tyler isn’t all about his image. Even though he is dressed spectacularly 24/7, it isn’t just his outside image that excels. It’s what’s on the inside that counts. He’s quite possibly one of the smartest people I know. He takes school so seriously and I highly admire that. This kid is going to be something special one day. He’s not only going to be the greatest dentist around, he’s going to be my dentist. Yes, that’s right folks. Tyler will be the one to break my fear of dentists. If that’s not an accomplishment, I don’t know what is.

And, Tyler recently made the Golden Bears Golf Team at the UofA. Do you even know what that means? That means his style is just going to get even better once he starts wearing Golden Bears themed apparel. Just imagine a green and gold woven belt. Do I need to say anything more?

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