The Best Hot Chocolate

Oh boy. I can’t believe I’m actually writing a post on how to make hot chocolate. Who doesn’t know how to make hot chocolate? Everyone does. It’s one of the simplest things you could do. And yet, here I am, deciding that the one thing my blog needs right now is a Make It Yourself Monday post about hot chocolate. So, to celebrate the start of this horrible cold weather in Edmonton, here is my beloved hot chocolate recipe. But seriously guys, this is really good and is the perfect thing to fix a bad day.


1. Pour two cups of milk into a pot. Duh.


2. Heat the milk on low heat until it starts to slightly bubble. Duh.


This is the hot chocolate we will be using today. And by‘we’, I mean myself. You can use whatever hot chocolate mix you desire. This one is super good though. It’s the Silly Cow Farms Marshmallow Swirl hot chocolate powder. It’s great.


3. Scoop in 2 tablespoons of the hot chocolate mix. I think I used 3. The instructions on the bottle called for 2 teaspoons. Oops. But if there’s one thing I hate, it’s diluted hot chocolate. The more chocolate, the better.


4. Stir in the hot chocolate powder. I used a whisk and made it super frothy and bubbly. It was great.


5. Add in a ¼ teaspoon of vanilla extract. This makes the hot chocolate so much better. I love vanilla.


6. Pour the hot chocolate into your favorite mug. Duh.


7. Now for my favorite part. Throw in a handful of white chocolate chips. BUT WAIT! Don’t stir! Let the chips sit at the bottom and melt. And then, when you get to the bottom of the mug, you have all this white chocolate goop. Some people may think that’s gross and overly sweet. I think it’s great.


So there we are. If you didn’t know how to make hot chocolate before, you definitely know now. I can’t believe this post is a real thing. What should I do next on Make It Yourself Monday? How to toast bread? That was sarcasm. Or was it?

Are you going to try out this Make It Yourself Monday? Tweet me (@whenimolderblog) or Instagram me (@taylorlainee) pics if you do! I would love to see how yours turns out.

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