Over the weekend, I had the pleasure of attending PARKSHOW YEG 2015. For those of you who aren’t too sure what event that is, check out my previous post here! It actually took place in the old Target in West Edmonton Mall, but I thought they did a very good job covering that up! The place had a very industrial feel to it with some PARKSHOW also featured some awesome local and Canadian designers. I fell in love with one in particular, Lennard Taylor. I thought his designs were absolutely amazing.

For this event, I wore a pretty casual outfit, which was kind of a mistake. Everyone who attended the event looked absolutely amazing. There was even a guy wearing Yeezys…. my boyfriend was pretty excited. Anyways, I repeated an outfit that I wore to my friend’s High Tea because I thought it was pretty darn cute. My top is one of my favorite ones from Urban Outfitters. I’ve had this shirt for such a long time now but it’s always remained one of my favorite ones. To complement the colours of the shirt, I layered some necklaces with it. I’ve been really into the whole layering of necklaces lately! I think it added the perfect amount of sparkle and excitement to my outfit!

I’m most excited about my shoes today! Aren’t they just the cutest? i love everything about them: the colour, the pointed toe, the style. And the best part? You’re not going to believe this. I got these booties from Old Navy for $20. Who knew Old Navy had such cute things?! I’ve never been more proud of a purchase. To top the whole outfit off, I added my big floppy hat from H&M. I always feel like this hat completes an outfit when I want to look extra cute. Or maybe I just look extra pretentious and like I’m trying too hard. That has yet to be determined.

Top- Urban Outfitters // Coat- Forever 21 // Jeans- Zara // Hat- H&M // Boots- Old Navy // Necklaces- Noul // Watch- Marc Jacobs //

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