2015 Year in Review

Every year I write a‘Year in Review’ post to sum up the year. And to be honest, I wasn’t going to write one this year. I didn’t think anything remotely exciting had happened. But I think I was a bit mistaken. This year has been one of the best years of my life. And yes, nothing extremely monumental happened but at the same time, everything in my life changed.

January– The start of 2015. I started my second semester of second year of university. I made the decision to leave the faculty of Education and instead pursue the School of Business. I applied to Business and started to do my prerequisites. Luckily I had done the majority of my prerequisites in my previous year of school so I only had to finish my two Economics and some electives.

February– Nothing really happened in February except for I started a blog for my dog. Check it out @ http://whenhesolder.tumblr.com. You can also follow him on Instagram @whenhesolder! Also check out this post Oakley and I did on Valentine’s Day. It’s one of my favorites. I also started hanging out with a new group of friends in February. A group of friends that would later impact my life greatly. This group consists of the greatest people you will ever meet.

March– I turned twenty. I left my teenage years behind. Read this post to hear my thoughts on entering adulthood. I celebrated my birthday by having a party in the Tory Building at my university because why not! Later, I went to this lame kid’s party at his house and did a keg stand at midnight to celebrate being twenty. It was not a fun time. I also got early admission into Business which was a huge weight taken off my shoulders. Everything was finally falling into place for me.

April– I started finals at university. It was a good few weeks. I felt prepared for all of my tests and I even managed to get 95% on my Econ final boosting my mark to an A, something I didn’t think I would be able to achieve after sitting at a B all semester. Read my Second Year Tips and my How To Study Like a Pro post to learn how I became a better student! I also started a second job working at Aritzia for the summer! It was definitely an interesting experience working there and I think it made me realize just how much I love my job working in the Beauty Boutique at Shoppers Drug Mart.

May– May was my favorite month of 2015. I was done school for the summer. I saw Kodaline live in concert and then later met the band. Read all about my experience here. My blog turned four and I wrote this post. But the best thing that happened? I started dating the most amazing guy. Definitely my favorite part of 2015.

June– I went to New York. New York was a place I had been dreaming about my entire life and I still can’t believe I got the chance to spend a whole week there. It is a place I will never forget and hopefully I will get the chance to go back there very soon. Read all about my experience in my month of New York themed posts!

July– What even happened in July? There was Canada Day, that was a pretty fun day. But the rest of July is a total blur. I’m sure it was fun though!

August– This month started out with going to the Taylor Swift concert that was absolutely amazing. She is always perfect. My friends and I also went camping, which I still haven’t gotten used to. I’m just not much of a camping type of girl. But I’m getting better with nature I promise!

September– I started my first semester in Business. I took Accounting, Management Sciences, Marketing, and Introduction to Business. I was so scared heading into Business. I had the biggest breakdown on my first day of school this semester. I didn’t think I could handle the courses. I so desperately wanted to do well in Business and I was starting to think I wouldn’t be able to. But boy oh boy, was I wrong.

October– I had my first presentation in Business. Before this, I was never much of a public speaker. I wasn’t shy but the thought of presenting in front of people and strangers always terrified me. However the multiple presentations in Business definitely helped to erase these fears and now I’m basically a pro at presenting.

November– My friends and I went to Canmore for Reading Week. It was exactly the break I needed. Canmore is one of my favorite places besides New York and it is just so relaxing and refreshing.

December– I finished my first semester of Business. Finals went extremely well and I got my first A+ after getting 150% on my statistics term paper. I’m basically a genius. I’m just kidding. I was lucky enough to finish finals early in the month of December so I had plenty of time to sleep in and relax (and shop of course)!

So that was my 2015 Year in Review. It was such an amazing year. I felt like I truly grew up this year and started to realize the important things in life. I feel like my life is starting to get sorted out and I finally know what I want to pursue in life. I am so excited to continue my schooling in the faculty of Business and I can’t wait to find out what it waiting for me in the year ahead. I think this was the year that I realized how lucky I am to have so many great opportunities and to have so many awesome people around me. I am truly fortunate to live the life that I live and I wouldn’t want to change a thing.

2014 Year in Review:https://when-im-older.com/post/106720896600

2013 Year in Review:https://when-im-older.com/post/71760926730

Any moments you would like to share?

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