What My Mom Has Taught Me About Relationships

My mom skipped all the cliches with giving relationship advice. I never got the sex talk, I was never not allowed to date guys until a certain age, there were never any restrictions placed upon me. I was given freedom and privacy with my relationships. My mom trusts me to make the right choices but along the way, she has instilled a couple of pieces of advice in my head. She just wants what’s best for me.

School should always come first– My mom has always been the strongest believer in that school is the most important thing. It should always be my top priority and nothing should come in the way of that. At the end of the day, school is the one constant thing in your life and you should never throw it away.

You can’t force a relationship– My mom is always the first to put me in my place when I’m acting clingy or desperate. If a guy isn’t interested in a relationship, then I shouldn’t be wasting my time trying to convince him.

Don’t be too hopeful– When I like a boy, I really like a boy. I get attached too quickly and my mom knows this. I always just want to fast forward the dating process. She always encourages me to take things slow and explore my options. I think she’s scared of me getting hurt again.

Boys should always come to the door– I wouldn’t say my mom necessarily expects the highest form of chivalry in a man, but she definitely has a high expectation in that a boy should be a respectable gentleman. Plus I think the main reason she wants boys to come to the door is so that she can meet them. She’s quite nosy, this one.

Don’t get nervous about first dates– I am the worst at getting stressed out before first dates. I hate everything about them. But my mom always reminds me that I have to put those nerves away and be myself or else I’m never going to make a good first impression. Plus it’s just a boy. Why should I get all worked up over a boy? I blame my nervousness for half of my failed dates at least.

Check out the next post in my What My Mom Has Taught Me series!

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