21 Very Cliched Things I’ve Learned in My 21 Years

1. Always wash your face no matter what. You’ll never wake up in the morning wishing you hadn’t, but you’ll always wake up wishing you had.

2. Follow your heart. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. The faculty of Science couldn’t have been more wrong for me, and the faculty of Business couldn’t be more right.

3. Things will get better. Your skin will clear up. You will kiss a boy. Your grades will improve. You will be happy.

4. Take risks and follow your dreams. I was once so scared to take this blog public, but I haven’t looked back since.

5. Be your own person. Don’t be afraid to stand out in crowd. Wear whatever you want. Don’t care what others think of you.

6. Learn to forgive and forget. Forgive the people who matter, but forget the ones who don’t. Some things aren’t worth letting bother you. You’ll live a happier life because of it. Get the anger out of your life.

7. Don’t be in a hurry to grow up. Take your time and enjoy the journey. Don’t ever act older than you are. (Unless you’re in an interview, then act ten years older.)

8. Focus on school. Focus on learning rather than the tests. It will get a whole lot easier and you will enjoy it a whole lot more.

9. Learn from your mistakes, but don’t regret them. Your embarrassing memories will become funny stories in the future.

10. Be nice to everyone. You never know when they’ll come back into your life and repay the favour when you need it the most.

11. Work hard for everything you have. You’re not at a disadvantage because your parents don’t pay for everything. You will be better off because of it.

12. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Some things just aren’t worth worrying about. It will all work out in the end.

13. Party your teen years away. You’re only a teenager once and it passes by a lot sooner than you think. So go out to clubs. Stay up all night. Drink a little too much. Create memories.

14. Don’t ever settle. Don’t settle for boys. Don’t settle for jobs. Don’t settle for the future.

15. Keep your friends close, but know when to let them go. Some friendships will last a long time, others will come and go. That’s alright. There are different kinds of relationships. Some friendships aren’t meant to last a lifetime.

16. Get lots of sleep. A good night’s rest can solve almost anything. Things will always seem better the next morning.

17. Don’t let stress negatively affect you. Let it be motivation. Let it push you towards your goals and set you on the right track.

18. When you’re at your saddest, grab a piece of paper and a pen. Write, draw, scribble, anything; it will help.

19. Be careful what you spend your money on. Experiences are often much more valuable than physical objects. But also, that skirt might make you really happy. Let your heart decide.

20. Be sympathetic. You never know what someone might be going through. Care about others. Be a better person.

21. Start a blog. It can be one of the most comforting things at times. It will be your friend at times when you feel like you have no one.

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