Dry Skin on the Outside, Oily Skin on the Inside:A Revamped Skincare Routine

I used to think I had oily skin. Then, I changed my mind and decided I had normal or combination skin. But this summer confused me once again. Suddenly my skin started flaking and peeling and feeling so tight. For some reason, my skin suddenly decided to turn dry. Talk about a full 180 degree change, hey? Alberta was extremely dry during the first month of summer, plus I was working in air conditioning every day which was starting to have a very negative impact on my skin. I have never had dry skin in my 21 years of life so when these dry patches started appearing on my cheeks, I had absolutely no idea how to treat it. And since my skin is usually more oily than not, I couldn’t just slather it with heavy creams because I would break out like crazy. I had to be very careful about what I put on my skin. I needed to find the perfect balance of skincare that would help to hydrate and moisturize my skin without overloading it with oils and products that would make me break out! After a horrible couple of weeks of tight, dry skin that was almost painful, I finally figured out my perfect combination of skin products!

Clarins HydraQuench Intensive Serum (buy here): This serum is an absolutely lifesaver. I used this every morning and night before my creams to add some hydration back into my skin. It’s not the typical texture of a serum. It’s so lightweight and feels almost like water, yet it helped to drastically reduce my dry patches.

Clinique Turnaround Daytime Revitalizing Moisturizer in Golden Glow (buy here): This is one of my favorite day creams. Not only is it oil-free and lightweight, but it also helps to deliver a luminous, wide-awake glow. It has a golden tint to it so it makes my skin look so radiance! It added life back to my skin!

Clarins HydraQuench Cream-Gel (buy here): This has been my favorite moisturizer for probably three years now. I don’t think I will ever stop using it… until I grow old and have to use heavier anti-aging products. But, for now, I can ignore that and keep using it. When my skin isn’t so dry, I just wear this cream alone. But I definitely had to use this layered with the serum to combat my dry patches. It just wasn’t moisturizing enough on it’s own.

La Roche Posay Thermal Spring Water (buy here): Every day at work I would come home with my skin feeling so dry and tight. I couldn’t even smile without feeling my cheeks were just going to peel in half. It was that bad. Luckily this thermal spring water spray saved me. I would spray it on my face every couple of hours to add some water back into my skin.

Clarins HydraQuench Cream-Mask (buy here): This was also another lifesaver. I used this cream every second day (sometimes even every day when my skin got really dry) at night and then in the morning, I would wake up with noticeably less dry skin. This also makes a wonderful lip mask if you have really dry lips like me!

So that’s my dry skin routine for all of you people who usually have oily skin! I may try another skincare product or two as time drags on. Until then though, this is definitely the perfect combination of products that will help to moisturize that dry skin while keeping breakouts at bay!

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