Back to School in Style

Well guys, it’s official. I am a fourth year student. I had my first day of school yesterday and it’s so weird to be walking around as a fourth year (or a Senior as you fancy Americans call it- basically just a senior citizen). I really wish I looked as old as a fourth year student though. I was buying a taco (YUM) at Burrito Libre yesterday and the employee looked at me and was like“Aww, you’re in first year?” When I broke it to her that I was actually in my fourth year, she couldn’t have looked more surprised. It’s fine. I’m twelve. I’ve learned to accept it.

To compensate for the fact that I look like I’m twelve, I always love to dress up a little more for school. I feel like if I just wore hoodies or a simple t-shirt and jeans combo, I would look even younger. Maybe I would look eight? Is that even possible? Anyways, I wore this new top I recently picked up from Aritzia. I absolutely love suede so this high-necked tank instantly shoved it’s way into my heart. I originally tried it on in a cute nude tan colour but because I’m so insanely pale (to see how I compensate for that, check out my post on my favorite self tanners), it washed me out way too much. So navy it was.

Navy turned out to be a very good choice because a week later, I got these new shoes from DSW that couldn’t have matched the top more perfectly. My friends, Lynness and Rachel, originally got these shoes in nude and after hearing them constantly rave about how insanely comfy they were, I knew I needed to pick up a pair for myself. I already have a great pair of nude sandals, so I picked them up in navy instead. I don’t think I’ve ever had navy shoes so I’m super excited about the outfit possibilities with these!

TopAritzia // JeansCitizens of Humanity // ShoesDSW // BackpackMatt & Nat // NecklaceUrban Outfitters // WatchMarc Jacobs // BraceletPandora

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