Year in Review: 2016

Life is a fucking rollercoaster. That just about sums it up. I really didn’t want to do a Year in Review this time, but I think it’s always a good activity to look back in the year and try to sum up all it’s events into one. It really puts things into perspective and you might just realize that 2016 wasn’t as bad as people love to make it out to be.

January: The start of 2016.

February: I went to my first Business conference called the Network of Empowered Women. It was a fun-filled weekend spent at the beautiful Lake Louise where I stepped out of my shell, learned how to truly network and realized that my path into the business world was really the right one for me. I couldn’t be happier with my life choices for the first time in my life.

March: I turned the magical twenty-one. This would have been a much more exciting milestone if I was American. But my Canadian self had already been the legal drinking age for three years so nothing really changed. But read this post on 21 Things I’ve Learned in 21 Years.

April: I never considered myself to be smart. I was smart in elementary school, but that isn’t much of an accomplish. I always just saw myself as average in junior high and high school. My expectations of myself just dropped. However, April was the month I got 100% on my accounting final and I will never stop bragging about it. It’s honestly one of my biggest accomplishments, not just because I aced a test, but because I was finally able to prove to myself that I’m not a dumbass smart.

May: I applied to be a writer for my university’s blog ( and I got the job. It was one of the best things to ever happen to me. I hadn’t really joined any clubs during my four years of university because I didn’t feel like I truly fit in to any. I didn’t want to join one just for the sake of using it on my resume in the future. But, when I heard about the YouAlberta blog, I knew it was somewhere I belonged. I just absolutely love attending the YA meetings every month and thinking up random ideas to write about on the blog. It gives me a chance to write about something other than fashion and beauty.

June: Okay. So, I got dumped. Dumped is such an ugly word, but that’s what happened. I won’t go into depth here because some things are better left private, but if you’re itching for a little bit more insight, stay tuned to the YouAlberta blog. I have a special post coming your way. But, everything happens for a reason and I wouldn’t change anything for the world. Happiness is a funny thing. Sometimes things have to get way worse in order to get better. But it was well worth it.

July: I got my license. Wait, how old are you Taylor? Twenty-one? Oh. Okay. Wow. Good job. But I finally did it. That’s all that matters. I booked the test, learned to drive in three days and passed. Honestly, I’m just as surprised as you are. I only got docked marks for going 30 in a school zone. Apparently if it’s summer and students aren’t in school, you shouldn’t slow down. I don’t know if I agree with that.

August: Thank God for good friends. Kevin, this is a special shoutout to you. Yeah, you’re not the best at comforting people but my goodness, you’re the best at being a friend. I went on a roadtrip to Jasper with some friends right before school started as my only“vacation” the whole summer. Yep, that’s how boring my summer was. It consisted of work and only work.

September: I started my fourth year of university. It still sounds so weird hearing myself say that I am in fact a fourth year student. But, I was so relieved to go back to school. I had missed it so much (yes, you may call me a nerd). My life just felt so empty without university.

October: I’m trying so hard to think of something that happened in October, but I’m coming up with nothing. It was filled with midterms so that was fun. Halloween also happened. I was a bunny, you can see that post here.

November: Okay, so I’m going to do a little bit of bragging here. If you get offended (read: jealous), get over yourself and stop reading (oh man, I can already hear the hate comments coming). This is my year in review and I’m going to say whatever I want. Long story short, I aced every single test. In all of my years of schooling, I have never been able to say that. I got top marks and didn’t get a single bad mark (by my standards). I don’t know what changed and how I suddenly turned “smart”, but whatever it is, it’s working. I am so damn proud of myself. Throughout my whole life, I just wanted to prove to people that I am more than this ditzy girl who talks about makeup and clothes and even if I show up wearing a dress to a final with my hair curled and full makeup, I’ll still probably get a higher mark than you. So next time you stop me to tell me that it’s dumb I’m putting so much effort into my appearance when I’m in university, check yourself before you wreck yourself. Wow, I’m feeling feisty today. Rant over.

December: I finished exams and headed off to Vegas to do the mandatory celebration trip of being twenty-one and legal in the US. I gambled (barely), I partied, I shopped. What more could a girl want? A 4.0 grade point average. That’s what a girl really wants. And I wish I could tell you that my wishes were granted, but I’m still waiting on one more mark to be released (plz hurry up Mr. Prof), so that news is going to have to wait a little bit longer.

The end of 2016.

Wow, so that was 2016.This year was filled with a lot of learning. I learned a lot about myself and although 2016 definitely wasn’t the best year, I’m coming out of it stronger than ever and for that, I am incredibly grateful and proud of. Here’s to hoping 2017 will be better (it will be) and filled with just as many wonderful memories. I’m honestly so pumped for this new year, let’s do this!

2015 Year in Review:

2014 Year in Review:

2013 Year in Review:

Any moments you would like to share?

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