Goodbye Vegas

This post will be the last of my Vegas outfits and I can’t say I’m too upset about that. This was my last day in Vegas and the partying, shopping, and eating just hadn’t been kind to me. I was so ready to go home (but not to say I wouldn’t miss Vegas, it was still an amazing trip). As you can see in my previous posts, here and here, all my outfits in Vegas were basically the same with maybe one item changed up.

So the item I decided to change up today in my outfit was my Aritzia blanket scarf. If there’s one essential you need to take on an airplane with you, it’s a blanket scarf. I think the worst thing would be being too hot or too cold on an airplane. Actually, that’s a total lie. It would be having the stomach flu or food poisoning on an airplane. I think that reason alone is why I can’t do a long flight. I’ve heard way too many horror stories. But anyways, back to being too hot or cold on a plane. In order to be as comfortable as possible, I always make sure to dress in as many layers possible and that for the most part involves a t-shirt with a jacket and always a blanket scarf. Scarves are always the main necessity for the obvious reason: they double as a blanket.

I’m not going to talk about the rest of my outfit because it’s literally the exact same as my last two posts (so check those outhere and here). I’m honestly so sad to not be in Vegas anymore. I’m back in Edmonton and it just sucks. School is stressing me the fuck out and I just want to escape from life for a little bit.

JacketTopshop // Coated DenimVero Moda // ScarfAritzia // Boots Old Navy // BackpackShoppers // Puff KeychainArdene

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