Everyday is a walk in the park

So, the groundhog saw his shadow. (And apparently, the groundhog’s name is Phil, who knew!) But, that means there’s still six more weeks of winter and I don’t think I can handle that. The weather has been way too inconsistent lately. Today I wore a heavy duty parka, yet in this #ootd I was able to get away with just a leather jacket. Edmonton just needs to decide on a constant temperature (but it better be a warm one).

I’ve always really loved long sweaters and tunics (see my all-time favorite one here)/ They’re definitely not the most flattering things. They make me look all fat and stubby, but honestly, sometimes I don’t really care. One of my favorite Youtube fashion stylists, Lindsay Albanese, summed it up better than I ever could in her newest video, How to STOP Dressing For Your Body Type. Sometimes you just gotta have fun, try new things and not pay attention to the rules so much. I’m not saying you shouldn’t ever wear flattering clothes (because you definitely should), but it’s also totally fine to wear something that doesn’t look the greatest. And although I think I look ten pounds heavier and three inches shorter in this outfit, I don’t really care and this is still an outfit I absolutely adore! I guess you could say I’m quite the rule breaker 😉

Overtop of my tunic sweater (sweater tunic?), I’m wearing my leather jacket from Zara… that I might have forgotten all about. I totally didn’t remember I bought this jacket back in November until I came across one of my instagram posts of me wearing it in this #ootd. But in my defence and contrary to popular belief, I didn’t forget about it because I own too many clothes. It’s just been way too cold to wear it so it was stuffed in the back of my closet. It’s a great jacket though. I know I’m gonna wear it a ton when (if?) it gets warmer out!

And I’m wearing sunglasses today! My mom has been full-on nagging me about protecting my eyes blah blah blah. Just kidding, those pupils really are important kids. But, I always had a problem with all of my sunglasses. They just seemed too summery to wear while there was still snow on the ground. So, I finally found myself a pair of winterized sunglasses from Zaful. And they’re $5.99. Which is such a steal for such a cute pair of glasses and they don’t feel cheap at all! However, with that being said, these probably (definitely?) don’t have full UVA protection so I wouldn’t wear them all the time if you’re going to be out in the sun a lot, but they’re better than nothing for right now! And they’re hella cute.

TopZaful // JacketZara // JeansCitizens of Humanity // BootsOld Navy // SunglassesZaful

*ftc disclaimer: Products marked ‘℅’ were sent free of charge for review consideration. All opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make When I’m Older possible!

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