Foreo Luna Play Plus

Oooh ooh oooooh. It’s a fun post today, y’all. Not that every post I write isn’t a fun post. But this is an especially fun post. Because if there’s one thing I love, it’s skincare and technology. So if you combine the two, I’m in heaven. Ya feel?

Also. Can we take a brief moment to think about the fact that tomorrow is Christmas. Where does time go? And then in a week, it’s going to be 2019. Crazy, man!

Back to the post. What were we talking about again? Oh right, skincare and technology. So this is the Foreo Luna Play Plus. And before you start assuming (wrongly) what this is, let me just tell you. It is a vibrating cleansing brush. Foreo makes a number of different cleansing brushes including more expensive models like the Luna Mini ($159CAD/$139USD) and the Luna 2 ($229CAD/$199USD), but when Foreo released this more affordable version, the Luna Play Plus ($59CAD/$49USD), I knew it deserved a future spot in my skincare routine.

The Luna Play Plus is tinier than it’s more expensive counterparts at only64 x 60 mm. It fits perfectly in the palm of my hand and it was actually the reason I bought it. As much as I love my Clarisonics (review here), they are a pain in the butt to travel with. I have a bit of a problem with overpacking whenever i travel so I always struggle fitting my Clarisonic in my suitcase. It’s just a little too bulky fo my liking. But the Luna Play Plus is so tiny, it fits everywhere. I especially like it for if I’m going out and I don’t know if I will be crashing at a friend’s house or not. I can just slip it into whatever purse I’m using and then I have an entire skincare routine in my purse (not really but at least my face will be squeaky clean).

So what makes this Luna Play Plus special? Well, first, it’s mustard yellow (sunflower yellow to be exact). I can never pass up anything that’s mustard yellow so if I said the colour wasn’t a huge selling point, I would definitely be lying. Secondly, the Luna Play Plus produces 8,000 T-Sonic™ (transdermal sonic) pulsations every minute from the silicone touch points so it cleanses very deep while also remaining gentle on your skin. I was so surprised at how well it cleansed my face while also giving it such a nice massage. It was definitely a very relaxing feeling. Plus it’s waterproof so you can use it in the shower without being afraid of giving yourself a shock and dying. That’s always cool.

Next, the machine is made of quick-drying, nonporous silicone that resists bacteria buildup. The quick-drying aspect is also a huge bonus when I’m travelling. There’s been too many incidences when I’ve had to throw my soaking wet Clarisonic into my suitcase because the bristles didn’t have time to dry yet. And the nonporous silicone was a huge benefit as well. I always worry that these kind of cleansing brushes might be making me break out more because they’re holding bacteria but the Luna Play Plus is said to be35X more hygienic than standard bristled cleansing brushes. That’s music to my ears (and pimples).

Something else that separates this model from it’s older brothers and sisters is that it’s AAA-battery powered instead of chargeable. While some people may see this as a bad thing, I actually really like that it takes AAA batteries. That might seem like I am living in the past, but I don’t have to worry about charging it or bringing a charging cord with me when I travel. It’s a little refreshing to just quickly pop in a battery when it dies (approximately every 400 uses so AKA once a year).

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