Daily Archives

August 24, 2017

  • Zoella Beauty: Jelly & Gelato

    I love Zoella. I love her beauty line. Everything about it just screams girly and fun and if that’s not the essence of me, I don’t know what is. I tried out a few pieces from her beauty line almost a year ago and I absolutely loved everything, from the scent to the packaging to the quality (see review here). So I was super pumped to try out her new Jelly & Gelato line this year!

    The Jelly & Gelato line consists of several products that all feature delicious notes of
    elderflower jelly & rich double cream. The scent is definitely more fruity than sweet but definitely compliments the ends of Summer and exactly what I want to smell like. The first item in the collection is the Shower Shake ($10.99CAD)which might just be the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. From the name (Shower Shake just sounds so appealing) to the packaging that features a cute milkshake with a straw design. This body wash is a thicker, cream-like consistency so it’s super moisturizing! And the pomegranate extracts helps to brighten, smooth and tone the skin! It’s so creamy and makes my skin feel silky soft! The line also features a second body wash, Shower Sauce ($9.99CAD), which is almostas cutely named as Shower Shake. This body wash is more of a gel formula, so it’s not as moisturizing but it smells equally as good as it’s sister Shower Shake. This body wash is definitely better if you want more of that squeaky clean feeling as opposed to more of a moisturizing, silky smooth feeling! Or use both because you can never be too clean.

    The last item I got to try out in the collection is the Pink Bath Wafers ($9.99CAD), which may or may not be my favorite product (read: it’s definitely my favorite product). I like everything that fizzes in the bath tub from bubble bars to bath bombs and especially these bath wafers. These are moisturizing bath fizzers that dissolve in your bath tub and basically create the most relaxing bath you could ever dream of. They smell so good and the Shea Butter, Elderflower and Pomegranate moisturize and tone the skin beautifully. This bar comes with two separate pieces that you can use for two baths but honestly, I like to break them up into four pieces so I can get the most value for my money. Because I’m cheap like that.

    This collection is available at London Drugs in store and online.

    *ftc disclaimer: Product was sent free of charge for review consideration. All opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make When I’m Older possible!