Daily Archives

January 8, 2018

  • Year in Review: 2017

    Wow, a whole year has passed since my last Year in Review (yes, Taylor, that’s how it usually works) and it’s amazing how many things have changed. 2016 was one of the worst years of my life. I think I was trying to be oddly optimistic and positive when I wrote my 2016 Year in Review but to be totally honest, 2016 really, really sucked. I struggled a lot finding happiness that year. I think I was embarrassed to admit how unhappy I was at that time in my life so I tried to focus on the few superficial, good things that were happening in my life when I wrote last year’s Year in Review. I remember going to bed most nights crying and just hating my life, hating what it had become. And a lot of that had to do with the people in my life. I was surrounding myself with toxic people because I was too afraid to cut them out and move on. But that year really did make me realize that you can’t hate your life but reuse to change anything about it. If you don’t like how things are, change them. So, that’s what I did.

    January: The start of 2017.

    February: I started out the month by going to the Frank Turner and Arkells concert which might not seem like a big part of 2017, but I always love a good Arkells concert. Always a fun time. Except the night ended in a very bad way that involved a lot of crying. Wow, that was a very cryptic thing to say, sorry I didn’t spill more details. But I’m thankful for good friends that were there for me that night. The rest of February was pretty fun. I was dating like five different guys that month. And by dating, I mean going on dates, not relationships. It was a great end to be 21 years old. I got it out of my system.

    March: I turned 22, but I think the biggest milestone of 2017 was that I finally bought a car. I saved up all that moolah and treated myself to a car. It finally gave me the independence I craved. Plus it’s super duper cute. His name is Fernie the (Ford) Fiesta. Read all about him here. (And yes, I am that extra that I had to do a photoshoot with my car).

    April: I finished my fourth year of university with another 4.0 (there is my (not-so) subtle brag). It came as a huge shock to me as I thought I was going to fail my Accounting class, let alone get an A+. Read all about my shock and learning to have more faith in myself in this post here.

    May: This month started with me working full time at the Beauty Boutique in Shoppers Drug Mart again, fifth summer in a row. May was especially fun because the Edmonton Oilers were in the playoffs so that worked as a great excuse to drink a lot of beer and go to a lot of bars. Who knew Taylor would ever willingly watch hockey?! I also saw Chris Hadfield live with my dad which was absolutely amazing and reawakened my desire to be an astronaut.

    June: I went to Lake Louise and did my very first hike! A very long (but beautiful) hike and I didn’t die. Who’s the sporty one now?! I was probably complaining every step of the way but all that’s important is that I completed it and didn’t give up. Hurrah!

    July: I went to my very first wedding on Canada Day and it was everything I pictured a wedding to be (Congratulations Liv and Dylan!). So if anyone has a wedding coming up, please invite me. Or if you are in need of a bridesmaid, I can happily do that as well. I also went to the Calgary Stampede and became a cowboy. Howdy y’all.

    August: Shoppers Drug Mart’s head office reached out to my blog this month, which has always been my biggest dream. I love my blog and I love Shoppers Drug Mart. Combining the two was everything I’ve always wanted. I also started dating someone and I couldn’t be happier.

    September: I started my fifth and final year of university. You have no idea how scary that is to say. I still haven’t come to terms with it. I’m just taking one day at a time and trying to enjoy my last year while it’s still here. I just don’t want to be an adult yet ahhhhh. Someone find me a job ASAP please????

    October: October is just all about Halloween, let’s be honest. I was just a giant piece of pizza. My boyfriend was a delivery boy. Are we hella cute? Yes, yes we are. I also went to a corn maze with my friends, which is one of my favorite things to do in the fall.

    November: I went to Canmore with my boyfriend and had the most relaxing time and then came back and immediately had to write an Accounting midterm which ruined all of my relaxation efforts. I also joined a soccer team which is something I thought I would never say. I’ve never played any sports as a kid or been on a team before, but it was always something I wanted to try out. Plus, I just wanted my name on a jersey, y’know? So, I finally took the plunge, much to the surprise of my friends, and joined a soccer team. And that’s not all. I scored a goal. Yes, that’s right. Your girl scored a goal.

    December: December was a crazy month. I still don’t know how I fit so much into this month. In between writing finals (which I aced hallelujah) and papers (also aced, hallelujah) and finishing up assignments, I also did all the Christmas-y things, including Gingerbread house making, seeing the lights at the Legislature, the zoo and Candy Cane Lane, and eating as much chocolate as I possibly could. But all my Christmas plans came crashing down when I had to rush my dad to the Emergency the day before Christmas. But sometimes it’s things like that that make you really appreciate things in life. Because this Christmas turned out being the best one ever.

    The end of 2017.

    Looking back, I’ve had a really good 2017. I made a lot of really good changes in my life and became the person I wanted to be. I dropped the people in my life that weren’t beneficial to my well-being and now my heart is filled with people I love and deeply care about. I have a feeling a lot more will change in 2018 as I graduate university and start the ever-so scary job hunt. So wish me luck and I wish y’all luck. We got this.

    2016 Year in Review:https://when-im-older.com/post/155301288875

    2015 Year in Review: https://when-im-older.com/post/136279938943

    2014 Year in Review: https://when-im-older.com/post/106720896600

    2013 Year in Review: https://when-im-older.com/post/71760926730

    Any moments you would like to share?