Daily Archives

January 17, 2018

  • Zap the problem zit with ZAPZYT.

    Ah, acne. An old friend. I thought I had gotten rid of my acne for good a couple years ago. And yet, those pesky lil’ pimples still seem to pop up when I’m stressed, eating a lot of chocolate (AKA everyday), or at that time of the month when my hormones are a little out of whack. But luckily, it’s not the full blown acne I was used to as a teenager. Now I only get a couple of blemishes at a time which is much more manageable for me and it doesn’t make me hate my life nearly as much.

    And luckily not all hope is lost in my skin. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned from my vast experiences which types of products and ingredients work and don’t work for my skin. I’ve tailored my skincare routine to products that make my skin feel happy and healthy while stopping the breakouts. However, when I am more stressed or nearing that time of the month, I need to add a little something more to my routine to fight those extra blemishes.

    And that little something is the ZAPZYT acne line. I tested out three products from the line and to put it simply, I was SHOCKED at how well it worked with my skin. This isn’t just any acne treatment. Listen up. So on the night before New Year’s Eve, I had the biggest pimple coming in on my cheek. You know when a pimple hasn’t emerged yet, but you can feel a huge bump below your skin? THat’s when you know it’s gonna be a bigone. I was stressing out because I love New Year’s Eve makeup (all that glitter and sparkle) and I did not want this huge pimple distracting from all that. So, I grabbed the ZAPZYT Acne Treatment Gel with 10% Benzoyl Peroxide and put it on and then promptly fell asleep, forgetting about my worries. But guys, when I woke up, I kid you not, there was no sign of that pimple. It had completely disappeared. It was a New Years Eve miracle!

    I’ve never had an acne treatment work this fast or this well before. It shocked me that there is skincare out there that can work so effectively!One difference between this ZAPZYT Acne Treatment Gel and any other treatment is that this one is water based and doesn’t contain alcohol like the others which only irritates and adds to the redness of the already red and inflamed zit area! And when I combine this Acne Treatment Gel with the ZAPZYT Acne Wash Cleanser and Pore Clearing Scrub into my skincare routine, my skin definitely takes notice and I see fewer and fewer pimples popping up.

    The ZAPZYT line, including the Acne Treatment Gel can be found on Walmart.com

    This post was sponsored by the PRIMP Network. All opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make When I’m Older possible!