Daily Archives

March 2, 2018

  • A Reading Week Escape

    Last week was Reading Week (aka Spring Break) in Alberta and since I’m graduating this semester, that made it my LAST Reading Week I would ever get. I’m old, man. So to celebrate that, I decided I need to take a quick trip somewhere (even though I had a midterm the day after Reading Week. Good decisions, Taylor). I’ve been itching to get out of Edmonton. I haven’t done much travelling in my twenty two years of life so once a year or so, I reach this point where I just needto get out of the city. And I’ve been meaning to visit my bestie, Ali, ever since she moved to Victoria for school five years ago and now lives in Vancouver. So I decided it was about time to pay her a lil’ visit.

    The timing couldn’t have been more perfect because, coincidentally, my other friends were also going to Vancouver on a boys trip. So I crashed their bro time during the day while Ali was at work and then got to hang out with her in the evenings! Who knew I could pack so much stuff in those three short days!

    So, if you’re like me, when you think of Vancouver weather, you’re probably envisioning this warm, mild, slightly rainy weather that is a vast improvement from the freezing cold, snowy days we get here in Edmonton. And, most of the time, you’re probably right. But apparently I brought the weather with me from Edmonton to Vancouver because I. WAS. SO. COLD. But luckily, I had a feeling this would happen so I brought a lot of options for clothing. Because layers are your friend when you’re travelling and walking all day exploring a city.

    I wore a variation of this outfit every day in Vancouver and as much as it kills me to wear the same outfit twice, especially in a city as stylish as Vancouver, I didn’t have any other choice. This scarf was probably the biggest life saver. It’s the biggest scarf I own and also the warmest. I couldn’t live without this thing. It was like wearing a blanket all day. Underneath I’m wearing a simple grey knit sweater and black Citizens. For my jacket, I’m wearing this simple wool boucle one from Forever 21 and my black booties that are so comfy to walk around in!

    CoatForever 21 // SweaterZara // Scarf – ℅Zaful // JeansCitizens of Humanity // BootsOld Navy // HatH&M



    *ftc disclaimer: Products marked ‘℅’ were sent free of charge for review consideration. All opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make When I’m Older possible!