Daily Archives

June 11, 2018

  • Vichy Minéral 89 Booster

    So I’ve been aging. I’m not the 17 year old spring chicken I was when I started this blog. I’m 23 now. And with age, comes wisdom. But also winkles. So I had this one smile line that was pissing me off, to put it bluntly. Whenever I would wear foundation, it would sink into this smile line and I would like a wrinkly prune. So I amped up my skincare routine to include more anti-aging products to get rid of this one smile line.

    Well guess what folks, it wasn’t a wrinkle. I was at a skincare training the other day and I was asking the rep how to get rid of this wrinkle and stop makeup from settling into the line and she replied “that ain’t a wrinkle, that’s a dehydration line” and my whole world stopped. Now, it’s no surprise that my skin is dehydrated. I live in Alberta after all. The home of the prairies. Where it never rains and there’s no moisture in the air. Everyone in Alberta is dehydrated. However, I assumed my products were doing all that they could to help bring hydration back into my skin. But oh baby, was I wrong.

    I started using this Vichy Mineral 89 Booster and that “wrinkle” has not shown up once. My foundation no longer sinks into my skin. I once again look like a prepubescent 12 year old boy with baby smooth skin. Life is great. So let me explain to you a bit more in depth what exactly this Mineral 89 Booster (for starters: nota serum) is and how it too can benefit your skin.

    The Mineral 89 Booster has only 11 ingredients and the main two are water and hyaluronic acid. I know what y’all are thinking. How do two simple and basic ingredients have the power to transform your skin? I was feeling the exact same way as you when I heard that. But, first of all, the water isn’t just ordinary water. This ain’t no tap water folks. It’s thermal water from the Vichy Volcanoes that is extremely rich in minerals (over ten various ones!) that helps to plump, hydrate and fortify the skin. Apparently you lose something like 350mL of water from your body through your skin alone every single day. So not only do you need to replenish that moisture but you also need to strengthen your skin’s barrier. And that’s exactly what the Mineral 89 Booster does. When your skin is strong, it better protects against cold weather, pollution, stress and fatigue AKA it looks a whole lot more healthy and radiant.