Daily Archives

October 17, 2018

  • Wishtrend Korean Skincare

    I’ve said it before and I will say it again. I have a slight obsession with Korean-made skincare. And by slight obsession, I mean major obsession. I don’t know if it has to do with the fact that some of my best friends are Korean but Korean skincare just seems to work so much better for me than anything else. I kid, I kid, those two things are definitely not correlated. Correlation does not equal causation!! Regardless, I’m a big fan.

    So I’ve let you guys in on a little secret before on ze blog. But if you’ve forgotten what secret that is, it is that I don’t use toner. Yes, shocking, I know. Please hold your questions until the end. I will explain everything. I just can’t seem to get my skin to like using a toner. Whenever I start using a toner daily, my skin will freakout and erupt into breakups. Now I know that the reason behind that is that my skin is purging the bad stuff out and once it gets used to the toner, that purging (AKA breakouts) will stop. However, it just doesn’t stop. So I stop using toner instead.

    But when Wishtrend sent me this KlairsSupple Preparation Facial Toner, I decided I needed to give this whole toner thang another try. So what makes this toner different from the toners I’ve used in the past? First, it’s unscented which I think is a huge game-changer. Fragrances tend to be so irritating for the skin which could one of the reasons why I’ve broken out from toners in the past. This toner smells like NOTHING. Not even alcohol like how other unscented toners smell like. Secondly, it’s a little thicker in consistency than normal North American toners. Because of this, it seems to absorb nicely into the skin and feel so much more hydrating! It has hyaluronic acid in it which explains why it provides full hydration deep within the skin. But best of all, this toner doesn’t make me breakout so maybe this will be the first bottle of toner I actually use up! I’ll keep you posted on my progress.

    I tried one more item from Wishtrend which is the WishtrendMandelic Acid 5% Skin Prep Water. What is a Skin Prep Water you may ask? Well, if I had to take a guess, I would have assumed it was something like a micellar water. But NO. It is definitely not that. Instead, it is more like the cross between a toner and a peel. You can use this Prep Water in the place of a toner 3-4 times a week or you can use it before a toner as well. It’s formulated with 5% Mandelic Acid which acts as an exfoliating treatment that improves the skin tone and texture while boosting the effectiveness of other products. All that is nice but the real benefit of this product is how beneficial it is for acne-prone skin.The Mandelic Acid has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties, making it extremely effective on combatting acne. In addition, because of the exfoliation, it helps to reduce any red marks following those breakouts! Thus, I’m sure you can see exactly why I’m such a big fan of this product. Anything that helps my acne is a product I’m keeping in my skincare routine!

    Products mentioned:

    Klairs Supple Preparation Facial Toner:https://bit.ly/2OxH2De
    Wishtrend Mandelic Acid 5% Skin Prep Water:https://bit.ly/2P1K2qQ

    *ftc disclaimer: Products were sent free of charge for review consideration. All opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make When I’m Older possible!