Daily Archives

November 12, 2018

  • COLAB Dry Shampoo

    Sometimes, I sit back and think to myself, what would we do if there was not such a thing as dry shampoo? How would the world go on? Would I have to wash my hair every single day? My days would be cut down by two hours. How would I get anything done? My blog would be the first thing to go. Bye-bye When I’m Older. But luckily, we don’t have to think about that because dry shampoo does exist and boy oh boy, is it a wonderful thing.

    Me? Dramatic? Never.

    COLAB Dry Shampoo has been my favorite dry shampoo for a couple of years now ever since they sent me them a while back (original review here). I remember being hesitant at first because there is a lotof dry shampoos that suck out there. So many just seem to do the opposite of what they should and just add a whole ton of product and grease to your hair. They should be called Dry Dirtier, not a dry shampoo. Okay, scratch that. That sounded incredibly dumb and not the least bit funny. Ahh, what else is new. But the COLAB dry shampoos actually seem to do their job and cleanse the scalp and hair. Hence the term, dry shampoo. Funny how that works.

    So COLAB has two different formulas of their dry shampoo – Invisible and Extreme Volume. Invisible is as it’s name hints: invisible. It’s a super lightweight spray that doesn’t have a white finish to it. It’s perfect for those days where you might have just washed your hair or in my case, it’s second day hair and you need a lil’ boost of freshness and cleanliness. It adds a tiny bit of body and grit to your hair to make styling easier. But if your hair is truly dirty and greasy, this one ain’t gonna cut it. For those days, you need the Extreme Volume formula that has that white powder to really soak up all the excess oils in your hair. And again, like the name suggests, it provides an insane amount of volume to your hair from those plumping powders. I absolutely love that there is two formulas in COLAB’s dry shampoo range. It’s great to grab one or the other depending on how dirty my hair is and what it needs that day! Because not all dirty hair is the same. Okay, let’s stop talking about how dirty my hair is now. Thanks.

    Another thing I love about COLAB is the scents. As I’ve mentioned in previous dry shampoo posts on ze blog, I hate how every dry shampoo seems to have that overwhelmingly strong scent that tries so hard to mask the smell of dirty hair (okay, last time I’m mentioning dirty hair, I promise). But COLAB has the best smelling dry shampoo out there. They recently launched a ton of new scents in the line and I am dying to try out each and every one of them. The first I tested was the Original fragrance with notes of bergamot and rose. This is the prettiest smelling scent ever. If they made this into a perfume, I would buy it in a heartbeat. It’s floral with a hint of musk and warmth AKA exactly what I want my hair to smell like. The second scent is the Paradise fragrance that has a tropical coconut smell. This one is definitely my summer dry shampoo because it makes my hair smell like I just spent a day at the beach and who doesn’t want that?!

    You can find these dry shampoos online or in-store at London Drugs.

    My Other Favorite Dry Shampoos: