Daily Archives

November 26, 2018

  • AloetteBio Defense Cloud Creme

    I am super excited to be talking about another product from Aloette today! I’ve tried quite a few of their products now including my favorites, the Hydrating Mist, the Look Alive Eye Base, and the Primer Oil. I’ve been super impressed with their products time and time again so when I was sent the Bio Defense Environmental Protection Cloud Creme ($59CAD/$48USD), I couldn’t wait to put it to the test. I am constantly looking for new face creams. Apart from the Clarins Multi-Active day cream, I have yet to find a moisturizer that has really stuck in my skincare routine and become my go-to. I am always on the hunt for something that is going to make it’s way into my heart and become my ride-or-die. High standards, hey?

    The thing that drew me most to this product was it’s promise of being an environmental protector. Itprovides anti-pollution benefits by protecting the skin against environmental aggressors and damage caused by UV, IR and high energy visible blue light. UV damage is probably the most known or common form of environmental damage but as we grow into a more and more technology advanced world, IR and blue light is becoming more of a concern. I probably spend more time on a computer or other device more than the average person my age. No, I definitelyam.I spend all day at my office job on a computer and then as soon as I get home, I open up my laptop to start doing my various blogging tasks. When I went to see my optometrist, he asked if I was on a computer more than eight hours in a day. I laughed in his face because my usage is probably double that most days. And I’ve definitely seen the damage that has done to my eyes. My eyes have grown so much weaker over the years from my excessive computer use so it’s definitely lead me to wonder how my skin is suffering from that blue light radiation as well.

    But do not fear, in the same way that there is blue light protection for your eyes in the form of specially coated lenses, there is also protection for your skin with this AloetteBio Defense Environmental Protection Cloud Creme! This is the cream of the future y’all. In addition to it’s protection from various forms of environmental damage, the texture of this cream is also a huge selling point for me. It’s so lightweight and is more of a gel than your typical face cream. Upon contact with your skin, this gel breaks down into even more of a watery texture and basically feels like your splashing your face with a cool burst of water (like those classic Neutrogena face wash commercials I always see, y’know?). It almost transforms into more of a serum texture. It’s so hydrating and moisturizing on the skin and it also plumps the skin to get rid of any fine lines and give extra radiance!

    *ftc disclaimer: Products were sent free of charge for review consideration. All opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make When I’m Older possible!