Kristin Ess hair pins have changed my life. Is that fair to say? You bet it is. You know when something is just not working but you don’t know what the solution is so you don’t even know what to look for? That’s how I felt before I discovered these hair pins. I was so annoyed with hair ties that pulled my hair. I hated wearing my hair in ponytails or buns for that exact reason. I have super fine hair that is very delicate so I needed something just as delicate to hold my hair back. I tried every type of hair elastic out there but nothing seemed to do the job.
That is until I discovered the Kristin Ess French Pins ($12.99CAD/$10USD). Before I tried these pins out, I could never really understand how a curved bar of metal could hold back my hair gently and securely. I figured it was more suited towards gals with long, coarse hair that would stay tightly in a bun. However, I love Kristin Ess with a passion so I figured I would give them a try. Because after all, I love everything else by Kristin Ess. The probability of me loving these was quite high as well.
And oh boy, was I right. These are my FAVORITE product from Kristin Ess. That’s really saying something because I am quite obsessed with everything else that I have from her line (read reviews here, here and here). But these pins just work so dang well. I wish that I didn’t just chop all my hair off so I could show you these in action but you will just have to take my word for it for now. All I do is gather up all my hair in one hand and twist it until it coils around itself into a tidy and neat bun at the nape of my neck. Then, I stick the pin down into one side of my bun towards my neck. When it hits my neck/scalp, I slide it through the other of my bun. And voila. A perfect and secure bun. And when I say secure, I mean secure. This thing ain’t going anywhere. It’s more secure than with a scrunchie or hair tie. (If that explanation made absolutely no sense to you, watch this video instead)
Another reason why I love these hair pins so much is that they don’t mess up my hair style. I hate sleeping with my hair down because I can’t stand hair in my face but I also used to hate how hair ties would crease up my hair and I would have to restyle it in the morning. Quite the predicament, hey? But with these, that problem has just simply disappeared. I can sleep all night (very comfortably, might I add) with one of these in my hair and then, in the morning, I take down my hair and I have my perfect curls still from the day before. If that’s not enough to convince you that you need these hair pins in your life, I don’t know what is. And they come in three colours: Classic Rose, Chrome Gold, and Matte Black. I have all three colours so you know I’m a big fan.
Enter code WIOB10 for $10 off your Kristin Ess Hair Pins purchase here
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