I don’t really talk a whole lot about my personal life here on ze blog. Wait, that’s a lie. I have quite a few personal posts. But this one feels really personal because it’s solely about me and my body. A year ago, in November of 2018, I made the decision to stop taking birth control (NOT because I want to get pregnant, let’s make that very clear). I had been taking it since I was eighteen and I just felt like it was really taking its toll on me. I was getting these horrible migraines and nothing was helping. I went to multiple doctors, had an MRI and still nobody could figure out a solution except for switching my birth control. After trying out numerous brands and types of birth control without my headaches lessening, I made the decision to stop taking the pill completely and here is my experience.
Month 1 (December)
In my very first week of going off birth control, my skin broke out so badly. It might have been from stress or poor food choices but man, that was a really bad week for my skin. My back also started breaking out which was something I really didn’t enjoy. I never got pimples on my back all through the five years that I was on birth control but as soon as I went off of it, it came back with a vengeance.
Month 2 (January)
I heard it’s very typical to not get your period for up to six months after you stop taking the pill so I was so surprised when I got my period the second week of January. It was only one month late. But it was way more heavy and painful than I was used to. It also lasted five-six days instead of the three-four days I am used to. I also found I was gaining more weight than I was used to. This might be due to a couple of different factors – I am getting older, I am now sitting at an office all day and eating a lot more snacks but my hips and butt definitely grew.
Month 3 (February)
My skin was really, really, really good this month. It was probably the best it’s ever been, however, my back was still breaking out a lot. Darn that #bacne. What a horrible thing. My migraines were definitely improving which made everything worth it. I got very few headaches except a week before my period and during my period.
Month 4 (March)
I got my period at the beginning of March and it definitely wasn’t as painful as in January. This was a rough month for me. I felt like I was gaining so much weight and I started to feel really bad about myself. So, I started working out and eating super healthy but, in all honesty, I felt bigger than I’ve ever been. Not a fun time, y’all.
Month 5 (April)
My skin took a turn for the worst. It was probably the worst it’s ever been. I was breaking out mainly on my cheeks, jaw and chin but it was those really big, deep pimples that hurt like hell. And no matter how well I took care of my skin, nothing was helping!
Month 6 (May)
My period was still super irregular. I hadn’t gotten it in two months. I also got quite a few bad headaches in May. But, on the plus side, my skin was clearing up really well. I was still just getting a couple of breakouts in my chin area. And unfortunately, my back was still breaking out! I also felt as if my weight might be starting to regulate. It was hard to tell but I was definitely feeling better about my body.
Month 7 (June)
I still didn’t get my period in June. It had now been three months without a period. That was a little worrysome. My headaches were also very bad in June, probably tied to the lack of periods? My hormones being messed up? Idk, I ain’t a doctor.
Month 8 (July)
And yet again, I still didn’t get my period in July, My headaches were excruciatingly bad this month. But I wrote them off due to the weather and barometric pressure as it rained for like three weeks straight. Once again, I am no doctor and have no idea what kind of validity that holds. Please take everything I say with a grain of salt.
Month 9 (August)
Still. No. Period. I know that might be good news for some people (and very bad news for others), but I was just so desperate for my hormones to regulate and my period to become regular again. I should tell you that my period was never regular before I went on birth control so maybe that has something to do with it. My skin was also breaking out in really weird places this month like on my forehead. I can’t even remember the last time I broke out on my forehead (except for when I decided to get side bangs in junior high- big mistake).
Month 10 (September)
I finally got my period! Hallelujah! But honestly, I wish I hadn’t gotten my period after all because it was the worst period I’ve ever had. I am not usually affected by bad cramps as I like to think I have a high pain tolerance but my oh my, was I wrong. It was one of the most painful things I have ever experienced. I had to LEAVE work and take a sick day. That’s how bad it was. I stayed in bed with a hot water bottle on my stomach all day. My period also lasted a full seven days so that was not fun at all.
Month 11 (October)
I also got my period in October, 38 days later. That’s pretty close to a normal cycle for me so I was happy about that. This period wasn’t nearly as painful so you could say I was extremely relieved. My period did last a whole nine days which was incredibly annoying.
Month 12 (November)
Just when I thought my period was beginning to regulate, my period didn’t come at all in November. I was really starting to hate how inconsistent it was! It had now been exactly one year since I went off birth control and my period still wasn’t back to normal. It seemed like everything else was however. My skin was looking great with the exception of my back and a few pimples along my jawline and my weight had stopped fluctuating.
Month 13 (December)
I got my period in the middle of December and it brought back the return of the cramps from hell. I had to take yet another sick day off from work because it hurt so bad. I woke up in the middle of the night due to the pain and couldn’t fall back asleep. That never happens to me.
And so that brings us to January (when this post was originally scheduled to go up). That was my whole year’s experience with going off of birth control. Now it’s October and I’ve almost been off birth control for an entire two years! It’s been a wild ride but it proved to be one of the best decisions I have ever made. My period is now very regular and my skin is the best it’s been since before I went through puberty. The cramps are still horrendous but I will gladly suffer through those if I get these other benefits. And here’s why: I have really struggled with my moods for the past five years. I had a super rough time trying to sort out my sadness while I was on the pill. I wish I had someone tell me during those dreadful years of birth control that my depressive mood state was probably related to that but no one ever did. It probably really would have helped. But after I got off birth control, it was like a dark cloud was lifted. I started really loving life and I was truly happy. And thank goodness for that because it was a rough couple of years.
This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding birth control or any medical condition. -Taylor