You know what I think? I mean, I think a lot of things but there’s one thing in particular that I’m thinking about right this second. No, not the matcha latte that’s currently waiting for me downstairs. No, not the fact that I’m wondering if I should still dress up for Halloween even though Halloween is cancelled. No, not thinking about how Oakley is quite possibly the cutest dog on this planet. And I’m definitely not thinking about that one TikTok. No, what I’m actually thinking about is how every shampoo and conditioner should be under five dollars. How can the costs of haircare differ so much? What really is the difference between a $55 shampoo and a $5 shampoo? On that same note, what is the difference between a $55 blush and a $5 blush? Or a $55 foundation? Or a $55 moisturizer? Well, factors like packaging, R&D, scent, marketing and premium ingredients can easily make up that price difference but alas, that’s not what this post is about today. Instead, this post is about how this Finesse $5 shampoo and conditioner are surprisingly good (not that I doubted it for a second).
These are the new and improved formulations of the Daily Renewal haircare. They now contain Camellia oil and active proteins. The camellia oil is rich in Omega-9 fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants and helps to revive the hair. And the active proteins, like keratin, serve as the building block of the hair! The ingredients work together to leave the hair clean, shiny and manageable.
I really enjoyed how well this shampoo lathered. If there is one thing that is an absolute necessity in my hair care, it’s the lather. The more bubbles, the better. The shampoo and conditioner left my hair feeling silky soft. Plus this is one of those haircare lines whose scent really lingers in your hair. It’s a soft, floral scent that isn’t too overpowering but sticks with you throughout the day. It’s quite nice!
Finesse hair care products can be found at your local drugstore, grocery chain, mass retailer or shop online at well.ca.
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*ftc disclaimer: Products were sent free of charge for review consideration. All opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make When I’m Older possible!