These cool hair bands are from the company, Twistband. These elastic trim bands are so much better than the traditional hair bands! Not only do these not pull or damage your hair, they also don’t dent your hair! I take dance at school and I am always forced to wear my hair in a ponytail. Usually, hair bands would leave a dent in my hair after I take it out and ruin my hairstyle, but these don’t! Plus, they are super cute and look good on your wrist so you can take them around with you. This brand also has headbands and shoe laces. The shoes laces are stretchy, like the hairbands so when they are in your shoe, you don’t have to untie them, as they just stretch to take off your shoe! All products come in a variety of colors and patterns so go check them out here:

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*disclaimer: I was sent these products for free but all opinions are my own.

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