January– The start of 2013.

February– Thanks to whoever sent me that rose btw. Let me know who you are sometime.

March– I turned 18. On my birthday, I went to a funeral. I think that was life’s symbol for me growing up. I went to a restaurant with my dance friends and had my first legal drink. It was a wonderful birthday.

April– Literally nothing exciting happened in April.

May– I graduated high school. Banquet and Commencement were two of the best nights ever.

June– Goodbye high school. I was sososo sad to leave high school. I thought they were the best three years of my life. But now I’m learning that they were definitely not.This video basically sums up high school <3

July– The month of Duff Hunting. I basically stalked Hilary Duff for four days. And then on the final day, I met my idol. It was probably the best moment ever. Not everyone can say that they met their most favorite celebrity ever. But I did. I also got the world’s best job at Shoppers Drug Mart in the Beauty Boutique.

August– I don’t even know what to say about August. So we’ll just leave it at that. I have moved on and everything is good now.

September– I started university. I was so scared. But it’s turning out to be one of the best parts of my life so far. I think I truly started to grow up during the month of September. I’m not saying that I’m mature now but I’m way more aware of the real world.

October– The month of midterms. I got 80% on my very first chemistry midterm. I was pretty proud of myself. #starstudent

November– What even happened in November? I went on a couple of dates. ahahaha but we don’t have to talk about those. Boys are silly.

December– The month started off with my very first round of university finals. What an experience that was. I studied. I actually studied. The finals were scary but I got through them, thank God. Then I was set free for Christmas Break. My besties came home (Hi guys <3)

The end of 2013.

This doesn’t even begin to sum up 2013. 2013 was a year of happiness (with some sadness too but who wants to focus on the negatives). I learnt a lot along the way and grew as a person. I think what I realized the most in 2013 is that everything eventually works itself out. All I have to do is be the best possible person I can be and have an awesome time being myself. Everything will be okay in the end. I just have to trust that. Here’s hoping 2014 brings even better memories! Here’s to never growing up; I’m not older yet xx

How was everyone else’s years? Any monumental moments you’d like to share?

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