  • Make a post about the Liebster award and thank the blogger who nominated you.
  • Tell 8 interesting things about yourself.
  • Answer the 8 questions of the blogger who nominated you.
  • Nominate 8 fellow bloggers for the award
  • Write 8 new questions for your nominees.

I was nominated for the Liebster award by the lovely Dina-Bella. Thanks girls! <3


8 Things About Myself:

  1. I met Hilary Duff and it was one of the greatest moments of my life
  2. I work in the Beauty Boutique at Shopper’s Drug Mart
  3. I’m in General Sciences at university but I have no idea what I want to major in.
  4. I have the world’s cutest puppy called Oakley. He’s a goldendoodle and sometimes makes guest appearances on my blog.
  5. I really want to visit New York one day.
  6. I have over 175 bottles of nail polish, it’s a problem.
  7. I am usually pretty outgoing but I hate answering my phone when it’s someone I don’t know
  8. I am going to Hedley’s concert in April and I’m so excited!


Dinabella’s questions:

  • Who is your favorite designer?

Marc Jacobs. Me and Marc Jacobs are soul mates I’m convinced.

  • Who influenced your fashion sensibility?

Lauren Conrad, the Olsen Twins, (old school) Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Meghan Rosette (from youtube), Nicole Richie, Blake Lively, Kendall & Kylie Jenner

  • What is your favorite T.V. series.. old or new?

Probably the Carrie Diaries. I just love everything about that show. The fashion and not to mention Austin Butler oh man.

  • If you can live one day in a life of a movie.. which one would it be?

A Cinderella Story. Not only to hang out with my girl, Hilary Duff, but also because it’s the cutest movie I have ever seen in my life. Plus I already know all the lines by heart, so I would fit right in.

  • If you had the chance to interview someone for your blog, who would it be?

Definitely Lauren Conrad. Lauren Conrad is one of my biggest style icons. I love how she’s gone from this reality star on the Hills to such a influence in the fashion industry.

  • Which celebrity you can do without?

Lady Gaga and Robin Thicke. I find both of them extremely annoying.

  • What is the best fashion advice someone has given you?

My mom loves to critique my style but over the years, I have learned that she is usually right. “Less is more”. “Don’t wear thick eyeliner”. “Blush is one of the most important makeup items.” “Pay attention to proportions- wear something looser on top if you’re wearing something tighter on the bottom”.

  • Top 3 songs in your music playlist right now?

AAH this is hard. I’ve really been loving Girls by The 1975, Bean’s cover of Say Something, and I Hope You Dance by Lee Ann Womack

My Questions:

  1. Favorite online stores?
  2. Most wanted item this winter?
  3. What’s your favorite thing in your wardrobe?
  4. When did you start blogging?
  5. Why did you start blogging?
  6. What item in your closet have you had the longest?
  7. What trend would you never follow?
  8. Favorite band/artist?


I nominate:

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