I have countless bottles of nail polish (we’re talking 180+ bottles) so I’m always searching for ways to use them other than just for my nails because let’s face it, I will never use them all up. Combine them with my love of hair accessories and we’ve found a winner.

I always see pretty metallic and colorful bobby pins at places like Anthropologie but $18 for four bobby pins? That’s not so pretty. Then, I got to thinking, why not just make my own? Brilliant right?

  1. Start with grabbing some scrap paper.
  2. Clip the bobby pins on to the edge of the paper so they lie flat.
  3. Select the prettiest polish you can find and begin to paint the bobby pin.
  4. Use some q-tips to clean around the edges so the nail polish doesn’t pool up.
  5. Apply three coats. It takes a few coats to become opaque! It helps if you use lighter colored bobby pins.
  6. Wait for them to dry and then repeat on the other side.
  7. And voila! You’ve got yourself some good lookin bobby pins.

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