March Style Wishlist

  1. Leather Shorts– I feel like leather shorts are becoming such a basic item in any wardrobe. Pair them with tights and booties in the winter or opt for bare legs in the summer. They’re surprisingly versatile!
  2. Boyfriend Jeans– Who needs a boyfriend when you can just wear boyfriend jeans? Boyfriend jeans are perfect for pulling off the “I don’t care, I’m fabulous” vibe. Pair these with heeled booties for a more chic look or sneakers for the comfy casual days.
  3. Boxy Tees– I have been so obsessed with oversized boxy tops. They go with almost anything and they look like you tried a lot harder instead of just throwing a t shirt on.
  4. Plaid Circle Skirts– Plaid is so in right now so take advantage of the whole ‘schoolgirl’ look right now. Plaid circle skirts are the best way to achieve that! Crop tops and thigh high socks will complete that look.

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