Happy Thanksgiving From When I’m Older

When I stop to think about what I’m thankful for, I can’t even begin to make a list. In all honesty, there is nothing I don’t have to be thankful for. My life is pretty damn great. So instead of sitting here and talking about how grateful I am to live in a lovely house and go to university and have food to eat, I’m going to focus on you guys.

I have some of the best friends I could ever ask for. Sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve the friendships I have. I feel like I don’t reciprocate by being the best friend I can be. You guys (and y\’all better know who you are) are the best. I have awesome friends who come and surprise me at work just to say hi. I have friends who remember when each of my tests are just to wish me good luck. I have friends who come and sit in the dark with me on the floor as I cry. I have friends who keep an eye on me all night because I might have drunk a little bit too much. I have friends who surprise me with Arnold Palmer Half and Halfs just because. I have friends who I know will always be there for me no matter what. It amazes me just how much some people care about me. It’s one of the best feelings to know there are some people in your life who just want the best for you. I once tweeted that it takes a certain moment to realize who your true friends are. I couldn’t have been more right. At that moment, I realized just how many people there are that love me and just want to see me happy. It was a truly humbling moment.

So on this wonderful Thanksgiving, all I want to say is thank you to my friends. I am so lucky to be able to call you my best friends and I really don’t deserve you. But don’t leave me because I love you all.

Happy Thanksgiving from When I’m Older everyone.

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