I recently received some jewelry from Peacock Plume that I absolutely love! Both pieces are so beautiful and are great at incorporating color into your outfit. First is the Pretty as a Peacock Necklace. This necklace is a gold chain with three peacock feathers dangling from it with turquoise beads. It’s such a delicate piece, yet it makes a gorgeous statement as well! The other jewelry item are these stunning earrings called the Get to the Point Earrings. I’ve been looking for a nice pair of dangly earrings for a while and I really love these. I tend to like studs a bit more but because these earrings aren’t too large, I think they are really pretty! They have a turquoise post with gold triangle details and a large mint stone. I paired these jewelry pieces with a pretty neutral outfit to let the colors of the jewelry pop. I wore my favorite black peplum top with black accessories and taupe corduroys. I love how the necklace and earrings added a nice special touch to the outfit! Go check out Peacock Plume!

Pretty as a Peacock Necklace:http://www.peacockplume.com/new-arrivals/pretty-peacock-necklace

Get to the Point Earrings:http://www.peacockplume.com/new-arrivals/get-point-earrings

Check out Peacock Plume:http://www.peacockplume.com/

want me to do a review? message mehereor email me at taylord450@yahoo.ca

*ftc disclaimer: I was sent these products for free but all opinions are my own.

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