Philips One Toothbrush by Sonicare

Philips One Toothbrush by Sonicare
Philips One Toothbrush by Sonicare
Sonicare Philips One Toothbrush
Sonicare Philips One Toothbrush

I love toothbrushes. I love flossing and brushing and mouth washing and most of all, I love trying out new toothbrushes. I haven’t always been this way, but ever since I got my teeth straightened with Invisalign and I started liking my smile, that just propelled me into the world of taking care of my teeth. And so, when Philips Sonicare sent me all four colours of their new Philips One Toothbrushes ($34.99CAD each), I couldn’t be more excited!

I’ve actually been using the Philips One Toothbrush for quite some time now, way before Philips sent me this package. My boyfriend, knowing I love the colour yellow, got me the Mango one a year ago and it’s since become my absolute favorite travel essential. And now I’m writing this blog post to tell you why, so listen up.

I have had a Philips DiamondClean 9000 toothbrush for much of my adult life and don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love it but it’s a little too much on the bulky side for travelling and I don’t like that I would have to bring a charger with me for any long haul trips. This makes me sounds like a very picky toothbrush user, but then again, I guess I am. And so that’s where the Philips One Toothbrush comes in. Its sleek, super lightweight, and it comes in a case that doesn’t add any bulk or weight. It just slips easily into my toiletry bag. It’s honestly the same size as just a normal manual toothbrush yet it has the added benefit of being electric. And the case is phenomenal. I hate toothbrush covers that only cover the bristles because I never feel like they are 100% sanitary nor do they stop things from getting in or out. But this one covers the whole handle while fully protecting the head of the toothbrush without taking up any extra room!

But it’s not just the aesthetics that makes this toothbrush so practical for travelling. It delivers 13,000 microvibrations per minute, while it’s contoured bristles gently clean your teeth for a whiter, brighter smile. It also has a built in timer that buzzes every 30 seconds to remind you to move on to the next part of your mouth, with a longer buzz at 2 minutes to let you know that you’re done brushing! And it’s battery powered so you don’t have to remember to bring a special charging cable with you on vacation! The batteries last surprisingly long too! I haven’t had to change out my batteries yet and it’s been over a year of owning mine.

And the colours! Oh the colours! These toothbrushes can’t possibly get any cuter. They come in four different and distinct shades: Mango, a bright yellow; Miami, a poppy coral; Mint, a super pale blue; and Midnight, a deep dark navy. It’s probably no surprise that my favorite is Mango, but my mom is obsessed with Miami and my boyfriend loves Midnight! We are now a fully Sonicare family.

Shop my favorite toothpastes to go with my favorite toothbrushes!

Sonicare Philips One Toothbrush
Sonicare Philips One Toothbrush review
Sonicare Philips One Toothbrush
Sonicare Philips One Toothbrush review
Sonicare Philips One Toothbrush review

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