What I Have Yet To Learn

I am nineteen and half. In a couple of months, I am going to be an adult. I’m going to be twenty years old, goodbye teenage recklessness. It got me to thinking, am I ready to be an adult? Or am I the same pre-teen that I’ve been for the past ten years? Although I’d like to think that I have changed quite a bit over the years, I’m definitely still struggling to be set free into the real world and become an adult. These are a few things I haven’t quite come to terms with yet.

1. Self confidence is different from self esteem.

2.Love others more than you love yourself.

3. Don’t focus on other people’s approval.

4. Stop trying to be somebody you aren’t.

5. Your problems aren’t more important than anyone else’s.

6. You need to be a friend more than you need a friend.

7. Nobody can make up your mind for you. Listen to yourself.

8. It’s okay to be alone. It’s okay to feel lonely.

9. Some people are toxic.

10. Prioritize. Decide what’s important in your life and what’s not.

I tried to go into more detail with this list. Usually I have no problem being personal on my blog. I like to share my feelings and thoughts with all of you. But this list was a very hard thing for me to reflect on. I’m still not entirely sure about these things because I haven’t quite learnt them yet. How can I discuss something I’m not entirely sure about?

Ithink one of the most important things I have yet to learn is that I still have my whole life ahead of me. I might feel completely lost at this moment. I might technically be an adult, but I don’t have to be an adult just yet. I’m still trying to figure out who I am and what I want in this world. I’m going to make mistakes. I’m going to piss people off. I’m going to fall asleep crying at night. But I’m also going to achieve things I never thought I would be able to. I’m going to make both myself proud and everyone around me proud. I’m going to be the best damn adult you will have ever met.

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