As I have entered the dreaded two weeks of finals here at university, I have started to acquire some study tips that may or may not have saved my life (and my GPA). But first, a bit of background about my studying habits: During these torturous two weeks, I study every day on campus (I don’t live on campus) from around 11 in the morning to 10 at night. I prefer to study in libraries. If you go to the University of Alberta, I’d advise you to check out John W. Scott in MedSci or of course, my beloved Cameron Library, but not the second floor. The third floor tables are where the cool kids are. I’m just kidding, the third floor is where I am and it’s awesome. So, the following tips are more studying necessities and essentials, rather than tips. Because I don’t actually know how to study. Oops.

  1. Layering: Layering is absolutely key. When I’mstudying, I can get really hot when I’m panicked orreally cold when I’m concentrating so make sure you’re wearing layers. Cardigans/Flannels over t-shirts are my go-to!
  2. Comfy Clothing: You can still look cute and be comfy so although I don’t go to school dressed like a total homeless person, I still feel relaxed and cozy. Scarves are a necessity. Especially blanket scarves.
  3. Lip Balm: I can’t study without dry lips. Never ever. One time I forgot my lip balm so I tracked down a gift store in the hospital and I bought a random one. It was horrible but it did the job. I was desperate. See some of my faves here.
  4. Water: This is kind of self-explanatory. But, like, thirst is real thing. Humans need water. Yep. Water is good.
  5. Snacks: The only breaks I ever take when studying are snack breaks so I make sure to pack (or buy) a ton of snacks. The wellness centre at my university have been passing out apples, bananas, and granola bars because they’re absolute gems.
  6. Friends: Although I think study groups and study dates are absolutely useless, I do like studying with friends. But only when you’re on a quiet floor in the library and you’re not absolutely not allowed to talk to each other. I’m horrible at resistingtemptation. But it’s nice tohave a friend with you if you have an urgent question or you need to take a break. It helps you from not going insane.
  7. Pens: When I’m studying, I write notes on paper for 12 hours straight (is it sad that that’s not even an exaggeration?) so the type of pen I use matters to me very much. Find a pen with rollerball ink but won’t bleed through paper. That’s a good pen right there. I really like fine tip pens as well but that might just be me.
  8. Sudoku: This tip I only recently figured out, but it’s a lifesaver. Sudoku is the perfect game to play if you want a study break. It keeps your brain active but also lets you relax for a short amount of time and won’t keep you distracted from studying.
  9. Earphones: Libraries are never really quiet. Anything distracts me. The rustling of papers and a random kid coughing will drive me crazy. I hate people.
  10. Study Playlist: If you’re like me and crave music while you study, then I have a treat for you. Check out this super awesome playlistthat will guarantee you a day of fun-filled studying HA. Just kidding, I’m not a miracle worker. If you’re not like me, then grab some earplugs and crawl back into your hole alright?

I hope these helped! And kids, remember: you are all absolutely brilliant and your mental and physical health is not worth risking for some stupid grade that probably won’t affect you in the long term. So, take lots of breaks, eat food and talk to someone if you’re feeling like you can’t handle things. Your school has tons of great resources to help you out. You guys are all going to do great.

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