Done with the cold

I’m not even going to mention how the weather is in Edmonton right now. As you can tell by my face and body language, it’s so freaking cold and I’m so not happy about it. So let’s just pretend it doesn’t exist. I’m sitting by a warm fireplace right now and imagining that I actually live in Mexico. Or Australia. Or Hawaii. Just think how great all of my outfits would be if I lived in a warm climate. No more of these heavy jackets. Maybe there would actually be some variation in my outfits.

But unfortunately, that’s not the case so let’s move on with my outfit. My jacket is quite an old one from Simons. And by old, I mean I got it two years ago when Simons used to send me gift cards. Simons, if you’re reading this, could you please do that again. Thanks bb. Wow Taylor, your professionalism has really through the roof. But anyways, this jacket is the brand Only and it’s one of my favorite Fall and Winter pieces. I love the pop of green in it and it’s surprisingly warm. As a frame of reference, I am able to wear it when it’s -10 degrees (Celcius) or warmer without totally freezing my butt off.

I am almost embarrassed to talk about what pants I’m wearing again. Yes, you guessed it. (Well, you didn’t guess it, you just looked at them in the pictures) But, yes, they are my beloved coated denim. They just look so damn good with every outfit and they fit me so well. It’s hard to find pants that fit every part of you. So when you do, you got to wear the hell out of them.

I tucked a sweater into them and plot twist: this sweater is actually a bodysuit! It’s so handy because it tucks into your jeans effortlessly and won’t ride up or bunch up weirdly throughout the day. It’s the perfect piece to compliment and show off my favorite western-style belt that is also from Simons! Side note: I think this year, I’m really going to focus on adding more belts to my closet. I’m severely lacking in them and they’re an accessory I’ve never paid much attention to. But that’s all going to change.

JacketOnly via Simons // SweaterTuxe // Coated DenimVero Moda // BootsZara // BeltSimons // PurseShoppers //

*ftc disclaimer: Products marked ‘℅’ were sent free of charge for review consideration. All opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make When I’m Older possible!

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