Teeez Cosmetics Post-Valentine’s Day Lipsticks

You know who doesn’t have enough lipsticks? Me. Ha. I kid, I kid. Anyways, I was planning on getting this post up before Valentine’s Day because these are the quintessential VDay lipstick colours, however, midterms hit me fast and hard (I had FOUR in TWO days, how did I survive?!) so this post had to be postponed. Because school comes before makeup. Always. But in any case, at least now you can be extra prepared for Valentine’s Day next year. 😉

Teeez Cosmetics sent me two different formulas of their lipsticks to try out and just like the last package they sent me, the packaging is absolutely phenomenal. I think one of the biggest selling points of high end lipsticks is the extra attention to packaging and Teeez definitely hit the nail on the head with these ones.

The first is the Eve’s Ready to Wear Lipstick in Awesome Orchid. It’s a pinky magenta colour with a little bit of shimmer in it so it looks so glossy and shiny on your lips. It’s extremely moisturizing and promises to repair damaged lips which I definitely need right now. And if you, unlike me, spent all of Valentine’s Day making out (I don’t judge; I was basically making out with my textbook. Wait, that sounds weird. Ignore me), then this lipstick is your new best friend to rehydrate those chapped lips. Plus, it’s super long lasting so maybe it will stay on even after you’re all done making out. I would test it out, but um, you need a boyfriend for that. Don’t worry, I’m not bitter.

The next lipstick is part of the Material Girl Line and like the Eve’s Ready to Wear Lipstick, this one is also super hydrating. It’s more creamy without any shimmer and has bold pigmentation! Mine is in the colour, Tainted Love, which is a pretty true red. Everyone needs a perfect red. This one would have been my go-to on Valentine’s Day if it wasn’t such a weird thing to wear red lipstick when you’re studying for accounting. How many times can I emphasize that I have no life outside of studying?

Teeez is exclusive to Hudson’s Bay and thebay.com.

*ftc disclaimer: Products were sent free of charge for review consideration. All opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make When I’m Older possible!

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