2022 Year in Review

2022 Year in Review

Oh man, I am 62 days late to writing this post. That’s a new record. Usually I try to get my Year in Review posts up within the first week of January, not the first week of March. But, I feel like the procrastination on this post is a good reflection for how the whole year of 2022 went. The blog unfortunately took its place on the backburner this past year. But hey, can you blame me? Between finishing school, working full-time and having the world finally return to normal, there just often wasn’t enough time for this blog. But that’s all about to change in 2023. We’re going to (hopefully) make this blog a priority again!! So, here’s my 2022 year in review.

January – The start of 2022. I think I talk about January the same way every year. Nothing ever really happens in January. It’s all just an after the holidays blur. I went skating, I went to visit Calgary to surprise my best friend, Kevin, on his birthday, I started my last semester of school. It was both a whirlwind of a month but also the most boring of months. But hey, I’m not complaining.

February – February was such a special month because this was the month my boyfriend asked me to be his girlfriend in the cutest way possible. We had a little DIY paint night at my place and he painted, “Will you be my girlfriend?” on his canvas. Is that not straight out of a rom com movie? So freakin’ cute y’all. I couldn’t be happier.

March – This was the month I turned 27 and let me tell you, there was not one part of me that was excited to turn 27. 27 seems like such an ugly age and it’s just means I’m getting a little bit too old for my liking. I also went to Vancouver this month to celebrate my bestie’s birthday where I managed to lose my ID. This brought on a full day of me panicking and searching the entire city for my ID, which I never did find. And somehow, I made it onto the airplane back to Edmonton with no photo identification. I will never understand how that happened, but I’m very glad it did.

April – April was a super exciting month because I finished all my classes for my MBA! My very last class was online on Zoom so it was a little anticlimactic, but hey, what can you do! I also attended my MBA gala in April where I had the chance to make a speech. If you had told me at the beginning of my program that I would be making an entire speech to hundreds of my classmates, coworkers, professors, and industry professionals, I would never in a million years think I would have the confidence to pull it off. And yet, I did! There was no better way to wrap up my degree.

May – May was a very bittersweet month (and honestly leaning more on the bitter side of that). My boyfriend and I got into a horrible car accident (not our fault) and we totalled little ol’ Fernie. It was absolutely devastating, but I’m just so grateful we weren’t injured more than we were. Here’s hoping there will be a new car in my future soon! May was also Oakley’s birthday where he turned TEN. Can you believe it? It seems like just yesterday he entered into our lives, but I honestly don’t know what I would do without him!

June – I walked across the stage in June and convocated. I was presented with my MBA degree and I was so darn happy. So much work went into this degree and I was so pleased that it all finally paid off in the end. I got to celebrate the day with all of my closest friends and family and it couldn’t have been a better time!

July – My boyfriend and I went to Mexico in July! I hadn’t gone to Mexico since 2018 so I was quite excited to go back! We stayed at a lovely resort in Playa Del Carmen where we spent our days by the pool, in the ocean, and exploring the town. Oh, and eating A LOT of food and drinking A LOT of drinks. It was the relaxation we had both been craving for quite some time.

August – August was another really exciting month because I started a new job at the University! I am now the program coordinator of the MBA program and I couldn’t be happier! Now that I’m done my program, it fills me with so much joy and excitement to have a helping hand in making the program a better experience for students to come!

September – My bestie, Kevin, had his bar call in September! We got to drive down to Calgary to witness him officially becoming a lawyer and I couldn’t be prouder of him! It was such a fun-filled weekend of celebration, good food and good friends! I love little weekends in Calgary!

October – I was a cow for Halloween in October. I have this newfound obsession for cows. I’m not sure why but you can’t argue that they’re not the most adorable things you have ever seen. And thus, a cow costume was very fitting. My boyfriend dressed up as a farmer so we were quite the duo on Halloween.

November – November was probably the most exciting month of 2022, which is quite the surprise! I feel like November is never an exciting month. But, this November was the month my boyfriend and I went to JAPAN. Before this trip, I had never left North America so it was a big deal to travel to the other side of the world. It was the most wonderful two weeks spent in Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Hakone, Nara, and Hiroshima. I got to see all the things and taste all the food I had always dreamed of. It was a huge thing to check off my bucket list.

December – December was an absolute whirlwind. I moved out of my place and moved into a brand new place with my boyfriend. I never knew moving was so much work! It took us a full three weeks to move everything and all I know is that I never want to move again (unless I hire professional movers and I don’t have to lift a finger). But regardless of all the hard work, it has been absolutely wonderful living with my boyfriend and I couldn’t be happier with our new place. Right after we finished moving, I got sick right in time for Christmas and spent Christmas Eve in bed sneezing every 30 seconds. What a way to end off 2022!

The end of 2022.

2022 was a really nice year. And I think nice really is the best word to describe it. It was filled with so many heartwarming moments and I found myself being really grateful for my life and all the people in it. It wasn’t the most exciting year like years before it, but it was filled with some pretty special milestones. I think as you grow older, the excitement has a tendency to slow down. Instead you’re just trying to tackle the journey of life one day at a time and make it through the challenges while also trying to remember all the good moments in life. And that’s why I really appreciate doing these Year in Review posts. It forces encourages me to sit down and reflect on all the good moments of the past year instead of maybe just remembering the few bad things that happened. And hey, 2022 was a pretty darn good year.

2021 Year in Review: https://when-im-older.com/2021-year-in-review/

2020 Year in Review: https://when-im-older.com/2020-year-in-review/

2019 Year in Review: https://when-im-older.com/2019-year-in-review/

2018 Year in Review: https://when-im-older.com/181586291270-2/

2017 Year in Review: https://when-im-older.com/169469215827-2/

2016 Year in Review: https://when-im-older.com/155301288875-2/

2015 Year in Review: https://when-im-older.com/136279938943-2/

2014 Year in Review: https://when-im-older.com/106720896600-2/

2013 Year in Review: https://when-im-older.com/71760926730-2/

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