As summer is nearing it’s end, I will be focusing more and more on Back-to-School posts on my blog! And if there’s one thing that actually makes me excited about entering my second year of university, it’s school supplies. Yes, I’m one of those girls who has to have the cutest school supplies.

Although I haven’t picked out my school supplies yet, I did pick up a planner. Agendas are one of my must-haves for school. I use my agenda for everything- my work schedule, my blogging ideas, and of course, homework.

The agenda I picked out this year is the cutest thing ever. It’s Kate Spade and for those of you who don’t know, Kate Spade is my idol. My Marc Jacobs obsession may or may not be converting to a Kate Spade obsession. This planner is super handy at helping me stay organized. It has a pocket in the front for slipping in loose papers, monthly calenders, as well as the weekly pages. These pages have tons of space to write down everything, so I don’t have to worry about cramming everything in. Basically, what I am trying to say is that it’s the most perfect planner ever and everyone needs one. We can all match.

Buy hereand check out the other available super cute prints down below (click the box):

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