My Bite Beauty Lip Lab Experience

Bite Beauty Lip Lab
Bite Beauty Lip Lab review
Bite Beauty Lip Lab review

My oh my, do I ever have an exciting blog post for y’all today. And I know what all of you are thinking right now, “Taylor, what do you mean? Every blog post of yours is an exciting one”. Yes, you’re right, but this one is especially exciting. For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to visit a Bite Beauty Lip Lab. For those of you who are familiar with the infamous Lip Labs, I’m sure you share in that excitement. But if you’re not familiar with them, let me tell you why they’re so freakin’ cool.

Essentially, the Lip Labs are a boutique owned by Bite Beauty where you can go and create a custom lipstick. You get paired up with a Lip Lap Colour Expert who works alongside you to create a shade, choose your finish, add a scent, then name it and engrave it with the name of your choosing! It’s such a fun process that I’ve always wanted to take part in! However, they only have a few locations worldwide with the majority in the US- Texas, Minnesota, California, New York and one just opened up in Las Vegas! Who knows- maybe I will go to the Vegas one soon since I’ll be there in December (whoot whoot!!). And, in addition to all the American locations, they also have one singular Canadian location in Toronto which was where I went to make my custom lipsticks!

As soon as I booked my reservation at the Bite Beauty Lip Lab, I knew exactly what shade of lipstick I was going to make. For years and years, I’ve wanted the perfect coral nude. Not too light and definitely not too dark. Nude corals are surprisingly hard to find in the lipstick world so I thought it would be a worthwhile investment to make my own that perfectly fit my specifications. I started out by telling my Lip Lap Colour Expert that I wanted a nude coral with a luminous finish (you can pick between matte, satin, luminous and sheer finishes) and she whipped up the first shade. There are so many different pigments so you can literally create any shade you would like. After combining a few pigments, the Colour Expert then let me try it on and I gave her feedback about what I liked and didn’t like. I think the first one was a little too pink for my liking. She then ran with that and mixed up a new shade which I then tried on again. We went back and forth a little before settling on the exact shade. In hindsight, I honestly wish I tweaked the formula a bit more but I think I was self-conscious about being too picky and difficult for her. Nonetheless, the shade I did settle on is absolutely gorgeous!

After I was happy with the colour, I got to infuse the lipstick with a flavour. You got to pick between mint, lime, vanilla, or mango. I’m sure it’s no surprise I went with a vanilla scent. Y’all know I love sweet vanilla fragrances! And then the most exciting part came: I got to name my lipstick. For years and years all I’ve ever wanted was a lipstick named When I’m Older. I’m sure you all know why. If you don’t, why are you even reading my blog? However, all my hopes and dreams were crushed when the Colour Expert informed me that it was too many characters to fit on the tube. And so, I settled for the next best thing: Spicy Pisces. Because I’m a Pisces and the colour is kind of spicy. And I’m spicy. Obviously. (The second lipstick’s name is self explanatory as well- my middle name is Laine and it goes on my lips. Hence, Laine Lips). The Colour Expert then mixed together my formula and poured it into a mold. She then froze it for a good fifteen minutes I believe before taking it out of the mold and popping it into the lipstick tube! A super satisfying process, I must say! I just love seeing the shape of lipstick bullets.

And then there you have it! The start to finish process of customizing and making my very own lipstick. It was so much fun and definitely a highlight of my trip to Toronto. I absolutely loved how personal of an experience it is and how you can customize everything from the shade to the formula to the scent to the name!

Shop The Post:

Bite Beauty Lip Lab review
Toronto Bite Beauty Lip Lab experience

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1 Comment

  • Missa

    It’s too bad they’re closing all the stores either this year or next after 10 years.

    June 5, 2022 at 2:46 am Reply
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